This is a site you can go to everyday and click on a button to help an animal in need for free. There are also other sites that do the same (click
and help) - they are listed at the top of the website. Of course it's all ads but it doesn't take long to click the buttons then go on your merry
internet way.
Wow, nice site!!! I clicked the rainforest one and the feed the animals one about 20 times each. It was so great to know that me clicking those
little button helped saved animals and the rain forest. I am big on saving the environment and saving animals. If you find any more sites like this
tell me please.
If you REALLY wanna help those animals....get the link of the button your clicking....set up a self repeating _javascript that will open the link for
3 seconds then close the window....and let it roll....lemme see if i can find this javascrpt.
Edit....nevermind then.....once a day....that sux.