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Exposing Reptilians - The Watcher Files

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posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:22 PM
superduperman, the clue is in the EYES and in the Secret Covenant. Blair IS part of it.

THEY have interbred with each other to keep bloodlines pure and maintain THEIR supposedly superior brain.

THE NEO, what disturbs me is the cases of HUMAN MUTILATIONS and even cattle mutilations that is never shown on mainstream media.


Millionaire Robert Durst recently was found not guilty of murder when he killed his 72 yr old neighbor (in self defense) and hacked up his body. Now you tell me, is this something YOU could do? Sounds completely cold blooded to me, which is a GOOD way of describing these beings.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 06:15 PM
I am starting to wonder am evil am i a reptilian?

i have always thought of self preservation. An never have i once thought of preserving my self via cryogenic freeze or anti aging cremes.

the sickening thing is that when i look at babies i dont look at there cuteness i keep thinking of a away to kicking there consciousness out of there bodies and then me taking there body as host.

this is shocking for me when i read this thread and what is more shocking is the fact that those thoughts where never influenced by any exterior force i.e TV or the thread.

I am really evil humm...

i believe in abortions as well and support it

I have jet black eyes
I am � Chinese, � white, 1/8 black and 1/8 middle east (sirian)

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 06:51 PM
Wow mooeuro, that is pretty strange. I have never had those feelings. Though some babies and toddlers I have seen gave me an uncomfortable feeling as if the child was evil.

I am also a mixed mutt... though a different mix... part dark skinned Italian, part caucasion - German/Irish.

My dark skinned Italian familiy has been interbred with several times by a different species.

The weird thing is if we spoke out in public with the things we post on forums, we'd be locked up in a mental institution and jacked up with medications.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by PuPP
The weird thing is if we spoke out in public with the things we post on forums, we'd be locked up in a mental institution and jacked up with medications.

There is also a possiblity that you would be killed or sacrificed

Another thing as well as famous people, goverment people and George Bush. Are normal people also reptiles who go about their daily jobs? And are all of them evil?

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by Mikomi]

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by PuPP

effigyrelease, Ozzy is a reptilian, I avoided a free ticket to attend Ozzy Fest in 1999 (I think it was 1999) because I had bad vibes.

War Pigs from Black Sabbath is a good song who's lyrics say alot. I grew up on that music and I believe most of it is Satanic to the core and I cannot tolerate it anymore.

Ozzy is no Satanish, and the lyrics to War Pigs are very Christian, i.e., they condemn war and promote peace! Ever heard the lyrics to After Forever? It is a pro-Jesus song! The lyrics to the song "Black Sabbath"? It's anti-Satan! The whole evil aura around Ozzy and Black Sabbath were merely an image not meant to be taken seriously; tongue in cheek, if you will. Sabbath were never satanic, and Ozzy is no f'n reptile! The notion is absurd!

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:17 AM
This whole reptile stuff is nonsense, complete BS. its a total myth and to suggest every politician, monarchy, etc., have ancient reptile blood is so absurd to the point of insanity. im having a great laugh reading some of these posts where ppl are taking this inanity seriously. keep it up!

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by NewYorker
This whole reptile stuff is nonsense, complete BS. its a total myth and to suggest every politician, monarchy, etc., have ancient reptile blood is so absurd to the point of insanity. im having a great laugh reading some of these posts where ppl are taking this inanity seriously. keep it up!

Yea you say that cos you believe it, but how do you know its not true?, Prove it... (NOTE: Saying this doesn't mean I believe it I'm still thinking about it and reading)

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:22 AM

yeah I think that mass murderers are expressing their lizard selves quite well.

I think it is part of the process to acclimatize humans for the regime that is coming also look at people like goths, vampires etc. The same kind of sick crap.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 01:53 PM
lol I saw prince charles today when he was in Newcastle at St Oswalds Hospice I just give him a big evil look when he looked at me in the crowd he just blanked me.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:16 PM
THENEO, yes, legends of vampires with ghastly pale skin devouring human blood is much more real than we are lead to believe.

Satanism and the reptilian bloodlines are connected and it goes back many many centuries.

These things that resemble people are bloodthirsty killers that seem to get off on human suffering.

And yes Mikomi, THEY live amongst us as common people too.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by enoc

i wouldnt worry about these critters to much.with the ignorace of the criiters they are going to enslave[humans]and there bickering and finger pointing and lack of insight,it should be a slam dunk.they wont even break a lizard sweat!

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 08:05 PM
Sorta interesting, sorta not, anyway look at this:

This link shows that arnold and many other possible reptilian candidates are "Birth Mates" in numerology.

Coincidence? Perhaps.

Have a look at this anyway, it's interesting.

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