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Even climate change experts say many of the claims in Al Gore's film are wrong.

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posted on May, 21 2007 @ 06:21 AM

So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing? f7806f79-bf1f-4bd1-8d33-c904feb71047

I guess if you keep telling the same lie long enough the masses will believe it

[edit on 5/21/2007 by DarkStormCrow]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 07:53 AM
Hatchet job.

James Hansen's review of AIT:

That brings me to Al Gore's book and movie of the same name: An Inconvenient Truth. Both are unconventional, based on a "slide show" that Gore has given more than one thousand times. They are filled with pictures--stunning illustrations, maps, graphs, brief explanations, and stories about people who have important parts in the global warming story or in Al Gore's life. The movie seems to me powerful and the book complements it, adding useful explanations. It is hard to predict how this unusual presentation will be received by the public; but Gore has put together a coherent account of a complex topic that Americans desperately need to understand. The story is scientifically accurate and yet should be understandable to the public, a public that is less and less drawn to science.

And this:

Among other things, since the film's release last year, scientists have rejected Mr. Gore's claims that 2005 was the warmest year on record (temperatures have been receding since 1998), that polar bears are heading for extinction (their numbers are growing), that Antarctica is warming (interior temperature readings show cooling) and that sea levels will "rise 18 to 20 feet," swamping coastal cities (the International Panel on Climate Change predicts a few inches).

is just full of errors.

According to NASA-GISS, 2005 was the warmest on record, Hadley have it as the second warmest. Polar bears are at future risk, and the Interior Department have suggested they should be designated as threatened. The researcher whose study is used to claim antartica is not warming claims this is a misrepresentation of his work, and a subsequent study showed no cooling. And the IPCC do suggest that sea levels could rise 4-6m (up to 20ft) if warming continues.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by melatonin]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:09 AM
I think its all just guess and theory and we dont need to be teaching kids its absolute fact. Things have gotten to the point that if you question the science on global warming you are labled a heretic and unbeliever. Global Warming has become a religion unto itself.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow
I think its all just guess and theory and we dont need to be teaching kids its absolute fact. Things have gotten to the point that if you question the science on global warming you are labled a heretic and unbeliever. Global Warming has become a religion unto itself.

I think it's more to do with how you question the science. All science should be viewed with a sceptical eye, but just plain denial and misrepresentation doesn't go down well.

As for guess and theory, well if you think 20 odd years of science is easily ignored, fair enough.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:17 AM
30 years ago we were worried about Global Cooling , its a cycle imho
and the powers that be are using the issue to cause alarm and conflict

I am all for taking care of the enviorment and alternative energy.
We must be smart about things and not jump without looking.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow
30 years ago we were worried about Global Cooling , its a cycle imho
and the powers that be are using the issue to cause alarm and conflict

I am all for taking care of the enviorment and alternative energy.
We must be smart about things and not jump without looking.

A few scientists were worried about global cooling, but nowhere near at the levels we are currently seeing, it was mainly media hype.

I hope all the science we are doing, and have done, is enough to show we are looking very carefully.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:28 AM
There's been quite a conservative backlash against this -- the view seems to be that "humans aren't doing anything wrong" and "we can keep on going just as we always have."

I should add that many of the scientists saying Al Gore is wrong also work for energy/drilling companies. Those who don't work for energy companies (and university researchers) are the ones saying that people need to start paying attention and do something now.

We saw this debate over smog and over pollution. It took the deaths of several thousand Londoners in the 1960's to tip the scale and get folks with the "we're not doing anything wrong" mindset to change their minds somewhat about the situation.

We're debating this in other threads -- you might like to go in and read BOTH sides of the issue on those threads.

Meanwhile, since we ARE currently discussing this on a lot of other threads, I'll close this duplicate. Please continue to debate it on our other threads.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by Byrd]

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