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Sirhan Sirhan and 9/11 :a strange connection

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posted on May, 20 2007 @ 10:49 PM
I read this article and it interested me enough to want to repost it. The fact that this man was out of touch and then decided on that day to do what he did, it truly was a little shocking and showed just how far back and widespread the world of the terrorist engulfs and shows a true link again to prison communications and future events that may happen. This is why all communications are monitored post 9/11, they were not before. Please read this with an open mind. From the first act of arab terror on US soil to the last, he was connected it would seem.

link to article

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan is the convicted assassin of U.S. Senator and 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. He is currently serving a life sentence at the state penitentiary in Corcoran, California, having escaped a death sentence due to a 1972 California Supreme Court ruling that invalidated all pending death sentences imposed prior to 1972. Sirhan’s motives for killing Kennedy remain a looming question among academics and conspiracy theorists alike. Many believe that Sirhan killed Kennedy due to his pro-Israel stance and the support he would likely provide Israel as the future president of the United States. Most notably, Kennedy was assassinated exactly one year after the start of the 1967 Six-Day war, a date considered less than coincidental by most. Some consider the assassination as one of the first cases of personal jihad in contemporary history.

Whatever the motive, I had the benefit of reviewing the assassination case from the perspective of a criminalist while I was at the Laboratory of Forensic Science under the instruction of Professor Herbert MacDonell. Mr. MacDonell is the Professor of Criminalistics and head of the Laboratory of Forensic Science in Corning, NY where I attended. Knowing that he extensively reviewed evidence first-hand of the Kennedy assassination, I am convinced that based on the evidence alone, that there is much more to this assassination that will ever be made known. Perhaps then, it was more than serendipitous that I received information this week from a former guard at the prison in Corcoran, California about the curious behavior of Sirhan Bishara Sirhan in the months, weeks and days preceding the 9/11 attacks.

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan

Because of the commutation of his death sentence, Sirhan Sirhan has had the luxury of observing world events from his prison cell. According to one of the former guards at Corcoran, Sirhan not only had the ability to communicate with others outside of prison, he did so regularly. According to this former guard who watched over and spoke to the prisoner on numerous occasions, and had close access to him from the mid-1990’s to well after September 11, 2001, Sirhan Sirhan received a lot of mail from addresses in the Middle East, almost all written in Arabic.

It is important to note here that since 9/11, the U.S. prison system has come under sharp criticism for failing to adequately monitor terrorist inmates' communications – both incoming and outgoing. A 2006 Justice Department's inspector general report noted that three terrorists imprisoned for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing had sent nearly 100 letters to alleged terrorists overseas from the maximum-security facility in Colorado where they were being held. The cases of Islamic Imams serving as prison counselors in New York and other states acting as communications conduits are also prolific, illustrating not only a bilateral communications system between prisoners and known and potential terrorists, but a system of potential prisoner recruitment into the Islamic-jihad terrorist cause.

One of the more recent examples of such communications is illustrated in the case of attorney Lynne Stewart, an attorney who represented the blind Egyptian Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, the Muslim terrorist who was convicted in 1996 of plotting attacks against various sites in the New York City area. The attorney for the blind Sheikh reportedly passed instructional messages from Rahman to his terrorist operatives that resulted in the resumption of terrorist operations in Egypt. In a case mired in controversy, Stewart was found guilty of conspiracy, providing material support to terrorists on February 10, 2005.

It is therefore not unthinkable that Sirhan Sirhan has not only maintained, but perhaps developed contacts with Islamic terrorists or at the very least, sympathizers to the common cause of Islamic jihad and the destruction of Israel and the U.S. Again, there are those who will dispute the motives of Sirhan Sirhan and even dispute his guilt in the actual assassination. Based on the evidence I have seen and from the first-hand accounts of Professor MacDonell, I absolutely concur that there remain a lot of important unanswered questions and evidence that conflicts with the published facts of this case. That, however, is another article altogether. The bottom line is that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan has been incarcerated for the last 30-plus years and has substantial Middle Eastern connections that existed before and concurrent with the attacks of 9/11.

According to the former prison guard at Corcoran, Sirhan Sihan, did something in the months before 9/11 he had not done at any other time during his decades of incarceration – he ordered a television set for his cell. Interestingly, he showed no interest in watching television, only to occasionally check to make sure that the TV worked.

Then, on September 10, 2001, Sirhan Sirhan did something else he had not done before – he shaved his head. Although he was always a “clean cut” inmate according to this prison guard, he had never shaved his head. According to the prison guard, inmates in California often shave their heads immediately before their gangs go to war against other factions to show their solidarity and support.

Then, on the morning of 9/11 Sirhan was up early in his cell watching his TV for the first time when the news broke about the planes hitting the World Trade Center. In some manner, it is obvious that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, 33 years after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and a guest of the California prison system, had advance knowledge of the events of September 11, 2001.

A great number of questions remain, from the events of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy to the events of 9/11. Based on the information from one prison guard, who was advised not to talk about the actions of Sirhan Sirhan or the FBI’s extensive questioning of the prisoner beginning on September 12, 2001 and lasting for 3 weeks, it appears that a California prisoner who changed the course of history has at least some of the answers.

Why isn’t there anyone in government asking the questions?

His motive was based on the Six Day war and Israel, so who was he tied to? Sirhan Sirhan is a Palestinian, born in Jerusalem in 1944. His parents immigrated to Los Angeles when he was a young boy and Sirhan's family remained obsessed with Old World hatreds.

From his diary entries it was evident that Sirhan was consumed by his hatred of Israel and its awift victory in the Six Day War (which began on June 5, 1967 - one year to the day before the shooting). He will however go down in history as the first and only foreign terrorist to kill a major U.S. figure

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:18 PM
Interesting find, Esdad. I'd recommend triming down the citation to the main points, as I'm sure the mods will. I don't know what this would prove if it's true - another curious warning sign it seems. I did not know the back story of Sirhan and Kennedy and Israel, but suspect it's more complex than the author lets on.

I'd also wonder how true the prison gurad's story is that this is based on. A lot of people trying to tie their own special knowledge in with 9/11. Like my friend the landscaper in VA, who was mowing the lawn of a CIA operative who'd infiltrated the Mossad in a complex plot. This agent was talking on a cordless phone one day on his lawn, shouting in a strange language, anf hung up in a huff. He came over to my friend, who was trimming the hedges, and explained how the Mossad was about to launch an attack on New York to be blamed on Arabs. He didn't say what kind of attack, but told my friend to stay off planes until the event was over with.

(I just made that up to illustrate, in case anyone is wondering)

[edit on 20-5-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 01:57 AM
Sirhan was also able to produce that eerie note used as evidence against him verbatim under hypnosis from a professional. He also said he did not remember the actual shooting, though he admitted he must have done it.

Thanks for the post.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:27 AM
The entire thing was strange and to me still is. It is more of a mystery than JFK. THe confession was always a point of debate.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 09:52 AM
as for Sirhan, I always thought that the general theory was that he had been brainwashed to commit the assassination. Much like the situation in the zoolander movie. Am I out to lunch here?

But more to the point of the thread, do you think this is disinfo to put a foreign entity as the perpertrator of 911? Just an idea, because there doesn't seem to be a specific idea presented with the data.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Yeah he was 'brainwashed' to commit the crime. I heard this as well. He was like a Manchurian Candidate. That night when he was there to kill Robert Kennedy, he remembers a lady asking for coffee.

She asked for 'lots of cream, lots of sugar'. Then all of the sudden he felt like chocking and from that point on, I think he blanked out'.

I don't know, but judging by the letters he supposedly wrote and the story itself, I am of the opinion that he was something like a Manchurian Candidate.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by talisman
Yeah he was 'brainwashed' to commit the crime. I heard this as well. He was like a Manchurian Candidate.

Yeah same here, and so did psychiatrists that came to his defense in court:

As Kennedy lies dying on the pantry floor, Sirhan is arrested as the lone assassin. He carries the motive in his shirt-pocket (a clipping about Kennedy's plans to sell bombers to Israel) and notebooks at his house seem to incriminate him. But the autopsy report suggests Sirhan could not have fired the shots that killed Kennedy. Witnesses place Sirhan's gun several feet in front of Kennedy, but the fatal bullet is fired from one inch behind. And more bullet-holes are found in the pantry than Sirhan's gun can hold, suggesting a second gunman is involved. Sirhan's notebooks show a bizarre series of "automatic writing" - "RFK must die RFK must be killed - Robert F Kennedy must be assassinated before 5 June 68" - and even under hypnosis, he has never been able to remember shooting Kennedy. He recalls "being led into a dark place by a girl who wanted coffee", then being choked by an angry mob. Defence psychiatrists conclude he was in a trance at the time of the shooting and leading psychiatrists suggest he may have be a hypnotically programmed assassin.

The same page also says this, which I hadn't heard:

As I researched the case, I uncovered new video and photographic evidence suggesting that three senior CIA operatives were behind the killing. I did not buy the official ending that Sirhan acted alone, and started dipping into the nether-world of "assassination research", crossing paths with David Sanchez Morales, a fearsome Yaqui Indian.

Morales was a legendary figure in CIA covert operations. According to close associate Tom Clines, if you saw Morales walking down the street in a Latin American capital, you knew a coup was about to happen. When the subject of the Kennedys came up in a late-night session with friends in 1973, Morales launched into a tirade that finished: "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard."


The source of early research on Morales was Bradley Ayers, a retired US army captain who had been seconded to JM-Wave, the CIA's Miami base in 1963, to work closely with chief of operations Morales on training Cuban exiles to run sabotage raids on Castro. I tracked Ayers down to a small town in Wisconsin and emailed him stills of Morales and another guy I found suspicious - a man who is pictured entering the ballroom from the direction of the pantry moments after the shooting, clutching a small container to his body, and being waved towards an exit by a Latin associate.

Ayers' response was instant. He was 95% sure that the first figure was Morales and equally sure that the other man was Gordon Campbell, who worked alongside Morales at JM-Wave in 1963 and was Ayers' case officer shortly before the JFK assassination.

So apparently an additional, specific suspect was even picked out from that little room.

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