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Are you afraid to speak your mind?

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posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:22 PM
Sadly i notice this more and more. People are afraid to even discuss New World Order (NWO) or crime CIA and Pentagon does around the world, all the torture and illegal regime changes. Also they are now afraid of FBI eavesdropping on internet and all that Big Brother stuff.

Please keep in mind they are in MINORITY and they are afraid we may not comply and they use fear to control you. To dumb you down and make you obedient. Please stop with this fear because it will make you incapable to resist and you will just swallow everything they serve according to their evil agenda.

I am sick of all this, i cannot look how people are getting more and more afraid of all this gestapo stuff happening in USA and EU lately. Also i am sickened how they treat poor people in Africa and Middle East. One dictator is NOT an excuse to bomb innocent children and to use depleted uranium. Just Google it and you won't eat for a few hours, i promise you.

I am so sick of all this, i don't know why i am writing all this but i needed to vent off and i won't be silent anymore. I am beyond fear and i don't care what may happen to me. One day of freedom is worth more than lifetime of slavery! To hell with them all!

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:29 PM
No I'm not afraid to speak my mind matter of fact I don't know anyone who is. Look around this site there are many people here who will speak out and say exactly what they feel. If the FBI/CIA or whoever wants to track what I say let them. Won't change a thing. I'm an American it is my right to speak out when ever I want on whatever topic I wish.

If they wish to try for the NWO, (which by the way I'm not convinced even exisits of course, I'm not convinced it doesn't.) I would resist. I've no intention of letting an outside power run this country.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:30 PM
I think 647 is saying people are afraid to speak their mind in real life.

Speak your mind in NYC, and get threatened and booked by the NYPD.

Speak your mind in LA, and you may be on the receiving end of police brutality.

Speak your mind in the EU, and prepare to have your every word and movement tracked by the big brother camera systems.

Europe is bending in line with the NWO's directives, it is only a matter of time until the whole world is enslaved. What will you say then?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:33 PM
I have never been afraid to speak my mind. Most of the time it can get me into trouble. Because some of the things I have to say people do not like. Even though most of the time they know its the truth.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 10:01 PM

NWO or not I will speak my mind where ever the heck I want to. I didn't serve in the Navy for 10 years protecting rights to give them up now or ever. I don't' much care if the government likes it or not. Remember, they work for us and we shouldn't be shy about reminding them of that fact.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 10:19 PM
again, we see freedom of speech taking a kick in the groin. i'm tired of people being scared to talk about what they want, too. if you have something to say, say it.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:21 PM
I have a big mouth and I'm generally not afraid to speak out, but I never fully speak my mind. If I did that then only chaos would follow. I always have to hold back somewhat.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:54 PM
there is a certain degree to where you must keep your mouth shut. if you're going to say something completely ignorant, or racist, or something like that, just don't say it. but, we must never be quiet.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:54 AM
I agree with the majority here. I don't know that many people who are afraid of speaking their mind... I do think that the majority of population doesn't care enough to do so, or worse.. they don't want to admit to themselves how things are changing so rapidly. Only a few are in the minority of people who see how the NWO has taken hold. That is sad.

Speak out, about what you feel is happening. Don't be afraid to say it loudly. It's what revolutionary wars were all about. Freedom...

If we don't make others notice how we are losing it... we will lose it all!

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:25 AM
When ever, and where ever, I will speak my mind when I feel the necessity exists. FBI? CIA? Whomever. They try to silence me and others, we'll just get noisier.

Most people will speak up when they feel it's necessary, it's just a matter of waking them up, prodding the hornets nest if you will. Fear isn't the's a matter of bonking them on the head with the issue involved.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:18 PM
I really don't see why people would be that afraid to speak either on this site or in public about these issues. The only time I can really see the gov't wanting to come after someone is if they started spreading top secret information. But, as much as I hate to say it, most people who spread conspiracy propaganda via TV, radio, and internet, are usually labled as crazy (or at least really paranoid), and therefore are not really posing much of a threat to the gov't.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by Saturn]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by wisefoolishness
again, we see freedom of speech taking a kick in the groin. i'm tired of people being scared to talk about what they want, too. if you have something to say, say it.
I think in this day and age no matter how brave we think we are we still HAVE to follow the PC brigade and keep quiet about certain opinions. Does anyone remember the lady politician who said a couple of years ago that she could understand why someone could consider being a suicide bomber? It caused a big scandal and she had to retract what she said & I think she lost her position. Will I go to jail if I said I knew where she was coming from when she said it? These days you CAN go to jail if you speak the wrong way. My difficulty is that I'm a Scot and we talk a certain way and the language we're brought up with doesn't fit into the current scheme of things. I have to modify the way I talk to my kids in case they venture into trouble with their mouths sometime in the future.

there is a certain degree to where you must keep your mouth shut. if you're going to say something completely ignorant, or racist, or something like that, just don't say it. but, we must never be quiet.
I believe I can talk about anything but I can't use certain words and that annoys me. I can't say Paki because it's considered extremely racist and I'm not racist. I have Paki friends who use that word with each other but I can't use it. We were all brought up with that word. Type paki into google and you'll see who can use that word and who can't. Did anyone watch the Poppadom incident on celebrity big brother this year? Those girls were questioned by the police. It was a storm in a tea-cup. Also, we use the label "black" to describe someone who is dirty, usually a kid who's covered in muck. Again, nothing to do with race. Most of the men in the past where I'm from worked in the coal mines and would come home "black as the ace of spades." Now you'll all hate me. I'm a racist. An ignorant person in your eyes. But, I'm not. I'm letting you know that gagging personal opinions can affect different folk in different ways. I'm not going to get arrested for saying UFOs are real, or the military are working alongside the greys, or even if I say 911 was an inside job, but I'm in danger for speaking the language I was brought up with.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:11 PM
For most topics I am not afraid to speak my mind however I will say that some caution should be taken.Is anyone familiar with the story of William Cooper? This is what too much speaking out can get you.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by SteveR

Add: Speak your mind in USA and if you are spot on regarding NWO, Red/blue list etc. they call you delusional! That way you are considered not credible even tho you are VERY credible! Don't want people to know the truth

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