posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:25 AM
Douglas Jew Rushkoff is an antiSemite? I've been called anti-Semite by Jews just by stating that Silverstein is a Jew. Arabs are originally Semites.
Jews abuse the word when they're out ot arguments.
- A Jew pretending to be a Gentile -
A comment to
videoon LiveVideo:
Thank you for posting. How can I get a copy of this material that you were showing(ie NYT articles)...can you provide any date on them. Thanks a
lot. YOu are so right. People are so scared to talk about them....Looks like McCarthy was right all more... along. America is has been taken over by
Commie jews....And if you look around...they are setting all the pillars of a commie society here in america. Perstroika was a Trojan Horse.
Extradiction Now.
Did I mention Commie Jews anywhere? I clearly stated in the end that it was a Jew job. This video is made by Jews. I added the last part from another
Jewish made video. This video is made to make Wolfowitz seem less important than he is. He was probably the president of The World Bank a long time
before we heard about it. The 10th president on March 31 2005. It's just symbolic. these Jews are obsessed with numbers.
9-(1+1)= 7. Wow! Jews feel superior because they can add and subtract without using a calculator.
Wolfowitz and Silverstein keep giving them easy exercises so they can feel on top.
[edit on 21-5-2007 by TrondH]