I stumbled across this video and its left me completly baffled, can someone care to explain how this heli is flying? jet propulsion? mini rotar blades
on the side? seems impossible to me..
On the audio you can hear the rotors it has a classic helicopter sound. I would say that the video has been edited to make it appear the rotors are
not moving or its a model of some sort.
There's another thread in the Aircraft Projects forum that explains the optical illusion due to the camera's frame rate being "in time" with the
rotation of the blades.
Not sure myself - Downward draft ?
I have seen a helicopter turn its engine off in mid flight and managed to land with the downdraft but i'm sure the blades kept rotating due to the
air pressure being applied.
As 12m8keall2c said, it's the frame rate of the camera being close to the rotor speed of the blades. That's why every helicopter video you see will
appear like this, and the tail rotor will appear to be barely spinning.
Yeah its just a trick of the frame rates the camera uses. Filmed lots of helicopters on tour for happy snappies and most of them came out like
Besides if the main rotor stopped and the tail rotor was carrying it would jsut spin out of control.