posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Here we go again and to my horror it always seems like the hospitals and schools seem to be the main focus of these recalls. Nothing is going to
change until we get some conscientious legislation to catch this at the slaughter house levels. This may never happen because if you start checking
for e-coli it will only be a matter of time before people will want reassurances against even more dangerous matters like BSE. This will upset the
meat industry who by and large are some of the biggest contributors to political campaigns. We quit eating meat many years ago because of foresight
into the growing potential for alzheimer's type disease and ethical reasons such as the insane and unbelievable slaughter house practices.;_ylt=AsJSAzT8IuGd6srG7SUelucE1vAI
Here is a list of the UPC codes for the contaminated /Recalled Beef :
Interestingly, I checked the TOPPs website last week when this story first broke and they had no information for public safety available. I did write
a letter to the company and told them all I could find were pages of explanations as to have safe their meat products were. It has since been amended.