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The NHS has some of the finest cancer specialists in the world, and new techniques and treatments mean that survival rates are steadily improving.
And yet France does even better, with the best survival rates in Europe. So what are the differences between cancer care in the UK and France?
In part its down to speed of treatment.
The Centre René Gauducheau is a functional modern building on the outskirts of Nantes.
Originally posted by danwild6
Wow Bodrul you got nothin better too do than but beat the anti-american war drum today?
Originally posted by bodrul
could the goverment take a leaf from France and use their expeince and their methouds to improve our NHS?
[edit on 17-5-2007 by bodrul]
Whereas the UK has 279 linear accelerators, France has 336 - 20% more for the same population
France also has more doctors - meaning faster access for patients.
The UK has 2.3 doctors for every 1,000 people. France has 3.4 - that's 50% more doctors.
Originally posted by st3ve_o
why have you put 'US' in capitals?
everybody is thinking you mean 'US' as in the United States, lower case please 'us'
Originally posted by realyweely
So bring in complusory private medical Insurance for all (like France) or put contributions up 100% then you'll get a decent service, though Ive got no complaints about the NHS
Originally posted by stumason
When I do go down to the GP's, usually for the little one now, it's full of old people, Poles, Africans and other migrants, who I might add all seem to be getting free prescriptions too, whereas I have to pay! What's that about?
I can't get an appointment for day's because old people and migrants are getting a free lunch?
(I know Sminkey is going to come at me with some New Labour speak and "Government Statistics" about the above comment.... I just know it...)
Originally posted by magicmushroom
How many immigrants from the former eastern block have moved to the UK in the last 15 years, all coming from countries where health care standards are very poor. Perhaps as many as 1.5-2 million all who will need health care.
If you wish to quote figures thats fine as long as you match it with the burden placed on the NHS. typical politician speak
Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
But ok folks, if you want to pretend the hospitals are all full of immigrants getting freebie treatment that might otherwise be yours then fine, go ahead.
Ditto the Dr's surgeys.
......and similarly if you wish to paint every migrant worker here as a tax-dodger then I guess you can sweep that generalisation too.
Originally posted by stumason
where I am the "official figures" for the eastern influx are way, way off target and as a result, PCT's, Local Education, Local Authorities etc have all had a hammering on their budgets as not enough money has come down from central Government to accomodate.
As for the tax dodger swipe you took.
Well, care to explain what the migrants are doing when they loiter around in huge numbers (outside LIDL near where I live there are dozens every day and similar sites at other locations), get picked up by scores of White vans looking for labour, then dropped off again at the end of the day with a fist full of cash?
The real scrounger who has robbed millions from the public purse is Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the Sun, Times, Sunday Times, Fox News and Weekly Standard (edited by Kostol promoting the Project for the New American Century). He flits from country to country on a string of passports in search of profit. His personal wealth is £4 billion. He laughs at the thought of paying taxes.
From 1985 to 1995, his News International paid only 1.2p in the pound in tax in Britain on recorded profits of nearly £1 billion. He gets away with tax dodging by spreading his businesses and their profits around tax havens.
[Addition from Mail on Sunday, 03Dec95: While most newspapers groups in Britain pay 30% or more in corporation tax, Murdoch’s News International (which since 1986 has made profits of nearly £1bn (£979.4m) pays virtually nothing. Thanks to the adroit but quite legal way in which Murdoch’s accountants have transferred profits and losses in his multinational company from one country to another, sometimes involving letterbox companies in offshore tax havens. It may be an embarrassing disclosure to both Murdoch and his new friend Tony Blair. It also explains how his BSkyB can afford to secure a virtual monopoly on all football matches played in Britain. And he can afford to wage a price war on weaker papers.]