posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:19 AM
First, my wife is a medical professional . . . so for the sake of this I'll imagine that she is injured and unconscious--unable to render
advice for her own care.
Well, frankly, hospitals in my area are already overwhelmed by the mass of people who have no insurance, but get free healthcare courtesy of
the taxpayer. These folks don't go to doctors for healthcare, because individual doctor's practice can refuse them care if they won't pay.
So they all go to the Emergency Room every time they have a health complaint. If they need a note for their kid to skip school, they take him/her to
the ER. If they have a headache, or cannot read the dosage on their medicine bottle, or if they have the flu, they go to the ER to wait. And wait.
And wait.
From what my wife has told me about the local county ER, the wait is 2 to three hours during the day, without a disaster! On a Saturday
night, the "County Knife and Gun Club" (term used by hospital staff) means you will wait 12 to 18 hours in the ER to see an MD.
If there is a disaster, and people are frightened, I figure the crowds will by 3 times or so more than usual. A lot of them will be very frightened,
and probably violent.
I'm not going there.
Frau Dr. has a book case full of medical books, and her bag. We also have a cabinet full of antibiotics I bought last year when I was on business in
Mexico--you don't need a prescription there.
I'd muddle through at home until we had a fairly good reason to believe we could get her to see a doctor on this side of town.
After re-reading your original post, I'd say that I wouldn't take someone's life because I THOUGHT they were getting worse and worse. I don't
know enought to predict the future. Mountain man Hugh Glass had both his legs broken in a grizzly bear attacks, in winter in the rockies. Jim
Bridger and a third explorer left him for dead. He survived, and crawled 200 miles on legs he set himself, to get vengeance on the men who
abandoned him.
So, I'm not betting that anyone is beyond hope. I'd find them some painkillers. If nothing else, my bottle of The Glenlivet.
I have a friend who was given 6 months to live by her doctors. That was in 2002 . . . .
IF they are in such pain as you describe, it will only go on for a day or two, if the end is REALLY near.
[edit on 17-5-2007 by dr_strangecraft]