posted on May, 16 2007 @ 12:43 AM
Well I have read a little on them. Apparently, the pictures you might possibly have seen at a questionable website labeled, chicks with ****'s is
not accurate. They are not really well endowed with the male portion of the anatomy, and the close proximity between the different sexual organs
makes it difficult to do.
As well, almost all of them are incapable of conceiving although some can, but I have never heard of one carrying a fetus full term.
In short, they seem to have the best of both worlds sexually, but in reality, all the equipment is not there.
They could by some means have self intercourse, but it would be very awkward and would only amount to the same thing as masterbating. I have an
acquaintance who is a hermaphrodite and they claim to have conceived, but not full term. They either lack testicles or ovaries, they don't have both
as far as I know.