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Originally posted by Megadeth
Jesus told us he would return to claim his children, just before the tribulation.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Originally posted by Megadeth
How can some of you claim the rapture is not Biblical?
Jesus told us he would return to claim his children, just before the tribulation.
Jesus gave us the idea of a rapture where he would save the true Christians. What is the debate here?
Ignoring the rest of you religious mumbo-jumbo, your dead wrong on the above.
I think you'll find we called the day's of the week their names long before Christianity came about...
The only thing we seem to know for certain about the origin of the 7-day week is that we know nothing for certain.
Except for the sabbath, Jews simply number their week days....
Originally posted by detonator
May 17, 2007 or even few hours before May 17 can be possible rapture date. May 17 is Ascension day and also very important date for Israel, it's exactly one Biblical generation after they captured Jerusalem. Check this link for more information.
FIRST, Thursday, May 17 will be Ascension Day, observing the day Jesus rose into heaven.
SECOND, Wednesday, May 16 (overlapping May 17), will be Iyyar 28 on the Jewish calender.
Originally posted by stumason
Yeah, right. So all the evangelical, genocide loving maniacs will suddenly float off to heaven.... Does it not occur to anyone how daft that sounds? All of a sudden being whisked off to heaven, even if your in the middle of breakfast or "on the job"?
Why is the June 7th 1967 such a prophetic day? What is the significance of May 17th?
Here's another prophetic date for you, May 18th. My birthday. Looking good so far if all the Christians have buggered off.
Originally posted by shrunkensimon
what makes Israelis so special over everyone else?
Originally posted by Leyla
1 Thessalonians 4:17 Thats in the Bible.
Originally posted by Megadeth
How can some of you claim the rapture is not Biblical?
Originally posted by kleverone
Does anyone else think this one was a little biased?
Originally posted by junglelord
I am sure the Rapture is on the feast of trumpets
[edit on 15-5-2007 by junglelord]
Originally posted by junglelord
Jesus was referring to the Second Coming, not the Rapture.
Again a perfect example of mixing prophecy and making muddy water when if you would divide the prophecys properly you would see the Second Coming is for the Jews, The Rapture is for the Church, the Second Coming no one knows the day or hour, not true for the Rapture....its the Feast of Trumpets.