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Visceral Manipulation

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:23 PM
What is Visceral Manipulation?

Believe it or not, this therapy has actually been around for a number of centuries, originally developed in China and Tibet .

Visceral Manipulation relieves imbalances and restrictions in the interconnections between the motions of all the organs and structures of the body. Jean-Piere Barral RPT, DO built on the pioneering work of Andrew Taylor Still DO and William Garner Sutherland DO, to create this method of detailed assessment and highly specific manipulation. I began training in Visceral Manipulation in 1996 but practice a variation in the greater context of Tensional Release Therapy (see my thread).

The Therapeutic Value of Visceral Manipulation
Life and motion are intertwined. Although we can have motion without life, we cannot have life without motion. Of particular importance are those motions, not ordinarily viable, that take place within the human body. They are linked to many levels of activity, from cellular pulsations to rhythmic contractions of the heart, diaphragm, even the craniosacral system.

The visceral system relies on the interconnected synchronicity between the motions of all the organs and structures of the body. At optimal health, this harmonious relationship remains stable despite the body's endless varieties of motion. But when one organ cannot move in harmony with its viscera due to abnormal tone, adhesions or displacement, it works against the body's other organs and muscular membranous, fascial and osseous structures. This disharmony creates fixed, abnormal points of tension that the body is force to move around. And that chronic irritation, in turn, paves the way for disease and dysfunction.

Consider the fact that the liver and kidneys move about 600 meters a day under normal motion.

The lungs breath 24,000 times a day....the heart beats about 100,000 times a day.

Imagine an adhesion around the lungs. It would create a modified axis that demands abnormal accommodations from nearby body structures. For example, the adhesion could alter rib motion, which could then create imbalanced for forces on the vertegral column and with time, possibly develop a dysfunctional relationship with other structures. This scenario highlights just one of hundreds of possible ramifications of a small dysfunction, magnified by thousands of repetitions each day.

Thanks to the dedicated work of Jean-Pierre Barral, an osteopathic physician and registered physical therapist, healthcare practitioners today can use the rhythmic motions of the visceral system as important therapeutic tool s. Barral's research and clinical work with the viscera led to his development of a form of manual therapy that focuses on the internal organs, their environment, and their potential influence on many structural and physiological dysfunctions. The term he coined for this therapy was Visceral Manipulation.

Visceral Manipulation relies on the palpation of normal and abnormal forces within the body. By using specific techniques, therapists can evaluate how abnormal forces interplay, overlap and affect the normal body forces at work. The goal is to help the body's normal forces remove abnormal effects, whatever their sources. Those effects can be global, encompassing many areas of bodily function.

if you find this interesting and have chronic pain you may need to search out someone with this experience.

here are some links.

encorporation of visceral manipulation and Rolfing


[edit on 14-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:55 PM
I can quiver your liver...I can milk your gallbladder and your pancreas,
I can make your enteric system work properly.

I have stopped mensus that was 6 months in length with one treatment. I have created a mensus after 6 months of none in another.

I have corrected numerous back and neck problems via the pericardium and the kidneys and the ligaments of the heart. Also with the lung fissures and the plura.

I would love to tell you more, any questions>

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by junglelord
I have corrected numerous back and neck problems via the pericardium and the kidneys and the ligaments of the heart. Also with the lung fissures and the plura.

I would love to tell you more, any questions>

Q: how do you massage the heart? (pericardium = outermost layer iirc) i thought it was enclosed in the rib cage?! or are you talking about reflex zones?

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:50 AM
Well we do not massage the heart.
I do not do massage.
Thats for estiticians and fluffers

No we assess the tension in the organs via motion tests etc and then we use a 3 vector fulcrum that is targeted to your breath and the point of peak tension. We either use Induction or Recoil to achieve a state of balance or equal tension in the tensegrity structure of the body that we are affecting

We retest via real life indicators (range of motion, strength test, reduction in pain) and basicly the Tensegrity assessment is called the Inhibatory Balance Technique
described below


It should be noted that the connective tissue system is organized into three layers. The superficial fascia is associated with subdermal tissue, muscles and joints. The deep fascia surronds the muscles joints and viscera. The meninges form the membrane system around the brain and spinal cord. The principles of tensegrity apply at essentially every detectable size scale in the human body. At the macroscopic level, the 206 bones of the body are pulled up against the force of gravity and stabilized in the vertical line by the pull of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. In other words there is a complex tensegrity structure insides everyone of us, bones are the compression struts, and muscles, tendons, ligaments, and all interconnected fascia structures are tension bearing members. Since the fascial system is one continuous structure, fixation will cause compensatory changes throughout the body. The results of these changes will be expressed as postural and motion aberrations. Therapy directed at the compensations rather than at the primary lesion will be less effective and less efficient. It should be noted that the viscera are high water content organs and therefore are the most dense areas of the body. Bone is the second most dense substance in the body. In the event of a traumatic blow to the body, the force of impact will travel as a high energy wave and be absorbed in the areas of highest density. Tensegrity assessment focuses on the primary source of the dysfunction pattern. We can utilize the assessment of tension within the fascial system that incorporates the interconnecting links within the tissues to systematically eliminate the restrictions which are secondary in nature. This process is known as tension inhibition, or the inhibitory balance technique, allows for the detection of the primary levels of involvement in a manner which is dependent solely on the objective condition of the tissues, and is totally independent of the subjective symptomatology presented by the client. This is accomplished by compressing or decompressing various areas of the body. One practical screening method involves the use of the sternum as the indicator. The change in compressibility when another area is compressed indicates a possible lesion site. When a tensegrity structure is compressed at the point of highest tension a dampening effect is created across the entire structure that is observable in a softening of structures distinct from the primary lesion. A gentle graduated pressure called induction, or a gentle directional recoil technique is the general technique protocol for the primary lesion site.
In tensegrity tension assessment in the majority of cases the primary lesion are intraosseous restrictions, especially the long bones of the lower limb and the pelvis, the meninges of the spine and cranium, the fascia surrounding the solid, fluid filled organs of the viscera and scar tissue.

Word for the moderators, that is my writing, and not plagerized.
thats my work, from my post graduate training manuel.
Dr George Roth taught me Tensegrity Threrapy in 2000.
It called Matrix Repatterning now. Him and Dr Ingber had a falling out over published material. Ingber felt Roth had taken his light.

Anyway it is really from Mechanical Link...which George never really says, and the true inventor is Paul Chauffour Dr of Osteopathy, and thats taught through the Upledger Insitute.

[edit on 20-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:17 AM
Word for the moderators, that is my writing, and not plagerized.
I have organized the work in my own way. The information remains the same, but that not plagerism, thats my work, from my post graduate training manuel.

Dr George Roth taught me Tensegrity Threrapy in 2000.
It called Matrix Repatterning now. Him and Dr Ingber had a falling out over published material. Ingber felt Roth had taken his light.

Anyway it is really from Mechanical Link...which George never really says, and the true inventor is Paul Chauffour Dr of Osteopathy, and thats taught through the Upledger Insitute, another Post Graduate work I have.

So the true plagerist is George Roth but no one knows that but me
So get a life before you accuse me of plagerism.

[edit on 20-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:39 AM
I give full credit and I tell everyone that I teach that the information from Matrix Repatterning is taken without proper credit from Mechanical Link and Paul Chauffour, which I have taken both.

I give full credit all the time.

I cannot change the words of the anatomy or the techniques.
Copyrighted Names of Therapy and or Techniques are named as such in the context of my course with no affliation mentioned due to simple legal matters, but are historically named and credit given in full so there is no plagerism. I never claim to have comeup with anything, I merely take it forward.
Bruce Lee said to learn a technique is be a master you must understand the concept...then you can vary the technique. No one approach can fit all people...

I can and do take all of that stuff and integrated it into a comprehensive whole.

Same as Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do is my Post Graduate work of Tensional Release Therapy.

Visceral Manipulation is just one element of the entire model, but a critical one and certainly not made by me, but incorporated into a larger model by me.

Although incorporated none of the assessments or releases are neccessiarly as taught in the orginal format...
Like Bruce Lee said you must first take the work then break free.

hence I use recoil 99% of the time to release Visceral Restriction while Dr Barrel of Visceral Manipulation would use a Induction technique. Also my assessment protocol is very different although it has many elements of Vicseral Manipulation in it, I tend to use a tensegrity assessment rather then Barrels manuel although I treat visceral restrictions, I choose which way to assess and treat, and although Barrell is the father of modern visceral manipulation in america, there are many more teachers and inventors of this work, Barrell is just the most noted due to the Upledger Institute

Like Bruce Lee says a punch is a punch a kick is a kick
Well the Inhibatory Balance Technique is a phrase coined by Paul Chauffour and NOT used by George Roth.
I call a spade a spade and give full credit.

so here is the opening page to my course
no plagerism.


Tensional Release Therapy

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A detailed introduction to fascial science, fascial anatomy and tensegrity theory is the basis for the integrative clinical approach based on the new medical model of structure and function. This knowledge is then applied to detailed listening and evaluation of the primary fascial restriction. Evaluation and release of tension in the fascial web in a global model is also detailed and explored. Primary and global restrictions are released with an integrative approach in technique which include active myofascial manipulation, myofascial recoil, indirect myofascial release and myofascial integration. From a clinical and technique standpoint we will approach fascia from three different levels and perspectives. The theory and medical models and techniques are based on the work of Dr. Ida Rolf/Rolfer, Dr. Micheal Shea Rolfer/Cranial Threapist, Tom Myers / Anatomy Trains, Dr. George Roth DC, Dr. Paul Chauffour Osteopath, Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral Osteopath, Dr. John Upledger Osteopath, Dr Turner D.C, John Barnes PT, Aaron Mattes PT


Tensegrity Theory-30 MIN: Detailed overview of Tensgrity Theory in biological systems and the Triangulated Icoshedron Model as it relates to treatment of soft tissue dysfunction and assessment protocol.

Fascial Science-30MIN: Detailed overview of Fascial Science including Pizo-Electricity, Magnetic and Electrical Fields, Thixotrophy, Hydrogen Bonding and Gluing, Interrelationship of Structure & Function, Consciousness, Holographic and Quantum Theory. Integration of this scientific model as it relates to soft tissue dysfunction and treatment protocol.

Primary Fascial Restriction Evaluation-3 hour: Inhibitory Balance Technique Protocol based on the work of Mechanical Link (Dr. Paul Chauffour D.O.) and Tensegrity Therapy (Dr. George Roth D.C.)
Myofascial Recoil Technique-3 hour: Primary fascial restrictions are released with a three vector recoil technique based on stacking the three restricted planes of motion within the respiratory phase of the involved tissue, which may be interosseous, organ or dura fascial tension.

Indirect Myofascial Release-2 hour: Indirect fascial stretching of the superficial fascia and evaluation of the Common Compensatory Pattern and it’s relationship with the primary horizontal fascial planes with intent to feeling the fluid nature of fascia. Based on the work of Dr. Upledger and John Barnes P.T.

Fascial Sequencing-1 hour: An overview of Dr. Ida Rolf’s model for Structural Alignment and how to apply fascial integration for regional as well as global treatment protcol. Myofascial meridians for bodyworkers is presented as an evaluation and treatment model to complement structural alignment. Anatomy Trains Structural Model of Twelve vs Biophasic Models of Five and Dr Shea's Model of Three's will be examined and compared to the Original Concepts of Ida Rolf

Active Myofascial Manipulation-7 hour: Breath, active movement and fascial tension are integrated and released based on the work of Dr. Ida Rolf. This technique is applied to the thorax, pelvis, spine, head neck and shoulders, lower limbs. Movement into anatomical position is applied with emphasis on direction, vectors and pressure to fascial planes. Release of fascial septums, origin and insertion locations and the fascial web is explored as well. Integration of the fascial web is explained and demonstrated as a means to Energy Amplification through Structural Alignment.

[edit on 20-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 10:04 AM
Hadn't heard of Tensegrity before, apart from Carlos Castenada's book, written in the late 90's (I think) which advocated a series of 'movements'.

Does your work share anything in common with Castenada ?

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 10:06 AM
You must first understand that I am a Medical Professional.

The soft tissue manuel sciences are many and varied.

I do not suscribe to a one size fits all.

I do not suscribe to selling information for money when it comes to therapy.

My courses are free

God Bless

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
Hadn't heard of Tensegrity before, apart from Carlos Castenada's book, written in the late 90's (I think) which advocated a series of 'movements'.

Does your work share anything in common with Castenada ?

Not sure what he wrote about it, but I am familiar with his work on consciouness and yes it does have a direct effect on who you are as a person...thats kinda covered in my biophysics and consciousness thread.

posted on Sep, 18 2017 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: junglelord

I have been in a car accident and suffer from headaches, I've been researching many of the practitioners you mentioned in your threads. I am a health care provider as well.

How do I learn about the course you teach, I am interested in learning.

I am new to this website so I dont know how to directly connect with you.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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