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Wild theory an opinion is well appreciated.

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 12:56 PM
I watch way to many 911 videos on the net and I should probably relax a little more.
But every time I rewatch something I always find something that I did not look at before.
Now you will need to watch both videos that I will be showing.
The first one is the hit from the second jet plane.
Now do not concentrate on the second tower (the one that its going to be hit by the plane) but instead on the first tower the one on flame.
Watch it at 18 seconds and you will see clearly an explosion on the right side.
After the explosion 2 ppl will jump of the window.
I believe they synchronized the explosion so that ppl could not hear it.
Now watch the second video with those weird so called laser pointer.
I don't believe for a second that those are laser pointers.
They will be in both towers near where the explosions took place.
The first one is right where the explosion of the so called plane took place.
The second one at the same level as the other explosion I showed in the first video.
Is this some kind of unconventional weapon? Something we never heard of?
As a side note there is also another video which I do not remember if it was about the second plane hitting or the collapse of the first tower where you see something going on in the second towers if someone knows what I am talking about it would be a nice addition.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 01:18 PM

Look for a video that shows WTC1 from the south (opposite side of your video) when the 2nd tower is hit. There is one video I remember seeing that clearly shows one of the upper floors of WTC1 "explode" outward right at the moment WTC2 is hit.

The only "natural" explanation I could think of is that the fireball from WTC2 may have caused some type of vacuum effect that caused the flames from WTC1 to be sucked out the windows. Otherwise, it looks like what you said -a timed explosion in WTC1 that happened almost simultaneously with WTC2 being hit.

Once you find the video I'm talking about, you'll see what I mean.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 01:21 PM
I think thats exaclty what I am talking about.
I tought as well it was a vacum effect.
But the video I just posted looks kind of clear that something went on on the first tower while the second one was hit.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 02:06 PM
I nearly pointed this out in Killtown's 'Scott Myers video' thread but wasn't sure it was worth it. But, since they're mentioned here, I will.

Take a look at this video (can someone please advise a technophobe like me how to embed - every time I try, it fails).

Watch the left face of the building on the far right of the shot as the plane hits the South Tower. Once the reflection of the fireball dies down, a series of white flashes appears, starting at 27 seconds. They behave in a similar manner to those in the OP video.

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