posted on May, 14 2007 @ 09:58 AM
Maybe it should be mentioned the Canadian boreal forrest is part of a belt circunventing the globe. It continues through Alaska and Siberia through
Russia, Finland and Sweden, to end by the Atlantic coast in Norway.
I don't know how they manage and treats the forest in Russia, but I've lived in Sweden and seen how they do it there. It ain't nice. They
'harvest' huge areas at a time with huge machines that cuts and barks them in one motion and load them on trucks. Leaving what was a beautiful patch
of forrest in the morning in one big mess by the afternoon. After a year or so, when the leftover have degraded and become dead branches, other
monster machines go in and plants small new trees. Then wait 20 to 30 years and the process is repeated.
Don't know if they still do it that way, it's more than 30 years ago I lived there, but I would suspect so, or else it wouldn't be profitable.
On the other hand, the small forest owner doesn't nessecary do it like that. I used to help my landlord in the winter, thinning his forest, cutting
by hand, with chainsaw, draging by hand the stems out to the track. We would take out a lot during the 3 month period, but the forest would still be
there, and unless you knew you couldn't see it was touched.
But big companies owns more and more land and small farmers less and less.