posted on May, 13 2007 @ 06:52 PM
So friday night i was flying from jersey to vegas, and with no movie, i decided to watch outside my window for 3+hrs of the 5. So after seeing some
nice contrails and chemtrails, and lightning storms, i saw an object i could not recognize. now i wasnt above vegas, i was before the rocky mountains
at around 940 EST. We were flying westbound and 36,000ft crusing altitude. from the corner of my window, i saw a black object fly across and away from
our plane, above us, i would say 38,000ft on a southeast course. now the odd description: the vehicle was all black, and not the disk, flat image
people often recall, this was very rigid and appeared like it wouldnt be very aerodynamically stable. it had a thin body with flat wings that went up
at around a 70 degree angle (see illust.). It flew with a rapid speed, and had what appeared to be an exhaust trail, except it didnt trail. It looked
more like how a tail on a kite would look. it didnt vary in length or position, it appeared fixed, although it was a cloudy semitransparent color.
after it went towards the center of my window quite a distance away, it appeared to change directions multiple times very quick, almost like it
stopped acceperating and decided to rotate, which allowed me to see it had a U-like shape, it then slowly faded out, i cant tell if it "dissapeared"
or flew off, because i was fiddling with my phone trying to zoom and get an image, but it was too far away. I did do a mini sketch right after seeing
it, and then i redid it poorly in paint to get the gist. It looked like this:
is this an existing craft? possibly secret? or is it unidentified?
[edit on 5/13/0707 by I Am The Influence]