posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:57 PM
I have always had an intrest in the GD/MDD A-12 Avenger II Stealth Attack/Strike aircraft. The project was concieved for the Navy to forfill the Deep
Strike mission and to provide a a carrrier based Nuclear strike option to the military planners. The aircraft used a flying wing configuration like
the B-2 Spirit.
Below are some images of the A-12 Avenger II:
The usual airframe design would have given it a large payload and long range when compared with other carrier assets of a simular size. There are also
unconfired stories that if the A-12 had entered production, that the US Air Force might have brought some as an F-111 replacement.
My question is:
If the A-12 had become operational, how might it have changed US air power?
I would like people to give it some serious thought, but at the same time, be a little creative.