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American people will not support retreat, Cheney tells troops

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posted on May, 12 2007 @ 09:17 AM
I thought I would make this thread to give info, I am not American, and do not confess to being completely "in the know", but would be interested on your thoughts about this article.

Full article from

Dick Cheney, USS Stennis on friday, May 11 2007:

"This world can be messy and dangerous - but it's a world made better by American power and American values"

Oh Yeah, says who?

I ask Americans quite simply..........who is he speaking for, you or "them"?

Would you support a retreat from the middle east and would your support be full or partial?

Will the mission "ever" end in your opinion?

What do you think?

[edit on 12-5-2007 by nerbot]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:29 AM

I ask Americans quite simply..........who is he speaking for, you or "them"?

His actual words don't mean anything. He's standing on the deck of a nuclear armed aircraft carrier off the coast of Iran. That is the message and the warning.

His intended audience are the leaders of Iran and other states around the Persian Gulf, of US allies, and of the US military which will be called on to carry out these attacks.

He is certainly not speaking for the vast majority of Americans who are tax and wage slaves, bombarded with garbage media, the latter day bread and circuses, their jobs outsourced, their shoddy homes grossly overvalued, their very identities left open to thieves by careless, incompetent corporations.

Any country that legalizes usury, for example, where Payday loan outfits and extortionists like Cashcall can inflict 100%+ interest rates on the poorest people in its own society is one that is so morally bankrupt and bereft of credibility.

Of course there are those uneducated ones who swallow the big lie and believe that they are fighting for "Freedom", but they are in the minority.

The majority is an apathetic mass of brainwashed meme-gobblers who know more about Paris Hilton and the plotlines of "Lost" then how the global international economic and military system is set up.

I also doubt Cheney is speaking for the wealthy power elites on both sides of the Atlantic who are prospering under the Pax Americana imperium -- the hedge fund managers, the Hollywood moguls, the Senators, the CEOs, the whole East Coast, old money power nexus -- because they are not stupid enough to buy this propaganda.

My two cents, anyway.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
Would you support a retreat from the middle east and would your support be full or partial?

It would have my full support, we've been there to long.

Originally posted by nerbot
Will the mission "ever" end in your opinion?

Not if we stay in Iraq, and keep denying Iran the right to develop the technology they would like.

The longer we stay, the more enemys we create.

Originally posted by Nicorette
The majority is an apathetic mass of brainwashed meme-gobblers who know more about Paris Hilton and the plotlines of "Lost" then how the global international economic and military system is set up.

Unfortunately your right, most people I know don't like to talk about this, and deny every claim made that goes against there beliefs, no matter how much evidence there is to support it.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Dick Haliburton certainly does not speak for me. I often doubt he speaks even for himself.

Yes, we need to let Iraq settle Iraq's problems. If there is a policeman needed in the area, let Iran do it.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
I ask Americans quite simply..........who is he speaking for, you or "them"?

According to this poll (question 19 about halfway down the page) Cheney's boss doesn't have the support of most Americans, and has not for some time. Most of us don't want to be in Iraq anymore. He's not speaking for this American.

Originally posted by nerbot
Would you support a retreat from the middle east and would your support be full or partial?

I support a drive for energy independence with a focus on renewable energy. Once we have that, we have no need to be involved over there in any significant capacity. Sorry, Israel. Short term, full retreat from Iraq would be fine with me, but I understand that realistically, any "withdrawal" will leave some troops behind. Hell, we're still in the former Axis powers.

Originally posted by nerbot
Will the mission "ever" end in your opinion?

Nope. How do you declare an end to a war on an abstract noun? We Americans have a storied history of wars on abstract nouns. If I sound flippant it's just because that's the only way I keep my sanity. I am well aware that our foreign policy's effect on the world is nothing to be flip about.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 12:37 AM
Just do a google search for El Dicko's approval ratings...that oughta be informative

Most of my peers are die-hard republicans (yes, I live in the South) and nevertheless, I've never met anyone who likes him.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by uberarcanist]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:08 AM
American people will not support retreat, Cheney tells troops,
We know Cheney's comment can't be true. The War is over, we WON.

Anyone who say's, "we have only two choices available now: victory or defeat," ARE LIERS.

You all have been lied too again, and I can't believe how some of you accept it. Wake up, we have won the war and now we're occupiers.

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