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south west of Area 51 ?!

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posted on May, 12 2007 @ 02:29 AM
So I was bored out of my mind tonight its about 1221 and I hoped on google earth and noticed a dry lake bed south west of of area 51 I got to messing around with it and noticed that in the lake bed there is an Air stip and you can barely see but if you look close its there and then there is another air strip to the south east of that.... this is all surrounded by various buildings and compounds.... any Idea what this is.... I mean I have researched this stuff since i was 13 and I am now 21 and I have never heard or seen this but then again I have been outta the game for a couple years due to military service.... can any one help ??? a reply or email would be great

[edit on 12-5-2007 by marineguy85]

[edit on 5/12/2007 by kinglizard]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 06:49 PM
That would be the Yucca Lake airstrip in Area 6. The unpaved runway marked on the lakebed has been around for decades. It was originally used to support activities at the Nevada Test Site. In recent years, it has served as a remote test site for experimental aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin P-175 Polecat UAV. The paved airstrip was built more recently.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 06:16 PM
Thats area 19 it was planed so cargo planes land there to bring supply to area 51 like aircraft parts and stuff then they sent it to area 51 from underground. There is also a big underground facility thats connects both area51 and area19 together. They can actualy fly planes in the big tunnels the tunnels r so big infact they could fly 5 f16 side by side and top to bottom without hitting each other the tunnels r big and long surrounding all of the area.


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