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Yep, Thankgod 'he's the leader.

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posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:18 AM


Yeah, I agree... what the hell is the world coming to these days.

I cannot believe I still see people,

1. Respect this man

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who seems to coy about 'your' future for my liking...

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2. Trust 'that' man, when he.. promises.. that he means this.......

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Its come to the stage, that you find such 'feelings' toward a leader... bring out expressions of 'interest' like this::


Where in Iraq for the right reasons

Boy... feel's good to accuse countrymen, of failure, being traitors... to the 'honourable' aspects of our military campaign which... THAT man

. swears is the truth, and for some god for known reason... your Believing [/align]

Does anyone.. really... doubt that we are being spitroasted at the moment?
Whats worse is when you voice this blatant disregard for Humanity, your accused of being humanities traitor...

Does anyone really want to see the future this man, and his war are buying for our future?
If it keeps continuing like this... how can it possibly find a way to fix its self..

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I wander if they even care... what reasons we find nessecary to tell the public to sustain our illegial occupation

I wonder if their father felt it... before his roof caved in and exploded

Thankgod we're ridding the world of Anti-America attitudes... How could we possibly be making the same mistakes.. again.... in Iraq

After all, Bush is the leader.. and assures us... he's being honest

[edit on 11-5-2007 by Agit8dChop]

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[edit on 11/5/2007 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 11-5-2007 by Agit8dChop]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:00 PM
Your post is really hard to read due to poor formatting and grammar. Might help if you get rid of those crazy dashes and superfluous pictures of Bush and Cheney. Also, your BBCode is bad.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:48 PM
None of your youtube videos work, but I get the gist of what you are saying.

I think that this picture

and this one

Pretty much sum up Bush's situation. I have stated for quite some time that I don't think Bush is the one overseeing the current situation, and I stick firm to my belief.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:08 PM
I don't like youtube and I think it should be banned on ATS.

Bush is a great leader! Coming up on 6 years since we have been attacked. We also have terrorists around the world praying to allah (not capitalized on purpose) for a Democrat takeover of Congress and the Presidency, so they can take a break from being pursured worldwide.

Bush will go down in history as a great President, by historians that are not even born yet!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I don't like youtube and I think it should be banned on ATS.

yeah, let's get rid of a website that promotes pluralism on a pluralistic website...

Bush is a great leader! Coming up on 6 years since we have been attacked.

and is that really his doing or the fact that the terrorists haven't planned another attack on the USA?

We also have terrorists around the world praying to Allah for a Democrat takeover of Congress and the Presidency, so they can take a break from being pursured worldwide.

yeah, just like we pursued terrorists in the secular dicatorship of iraq that had been a bane to islamic fundamentalism! wait, why would the IRA be praying to Allah? why would the kkk, aryan nation, and christian identity movement be praying to Allah? why would the tamal tigers pray to Allah? why would the assorted terrorist militia groups in america pray to Allah?

i get it, you don't understand terrorism

Bush will go down in history as a great President, by historians that are not even born yet!

didn't they say that about woodrow "birth of a nation showed the true spirit of america in film" wilson?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Well Madness, I understand terrorism, as well or better than any on this board, and while RR's post may be a little over the top, even for me, his sentiment is just and squarely founded in his beliefs..

Those beliefs are complete in the understanding that the Aryan Nation, the IRA, the KKK and the Christian Fundamentalist Movement in no way espouse the complete domination of the entire world as their stated goal.

While all do in fact fit the requirements for the category, terrorist, the fundamental sentiment of the thought RR was indicating, was clear in the separation of dogma as opposed to a world domination megalomaniac belief in superiority of fundamental rights to life and self government.

As such, the Islamic Terrorists such as "Al Qaeda in Iraq", fall within the characterization of organizations predisposed to facilitate terror to obtain complete domination. All within specific time lines as indicated within their "handbook" the Quran.

This creates a threat that indicates a crossing of natural and man-made boundaries and predisposes the efforts to combat this belong to multicultural units.

The malefic nature of this terrorist organization and the general populations acceptance of the legitimate form, all combine to definitely separate this from the other organizations you mention.

As different as night and day..


posted on May, 12 2007 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative

Bush will go down in history as a great President, by historians that are not even born yet!

While I certainly do not always agree with Bush,as a matter of fact, most of the time I don't, especially when it comes to immigration. However, I have said from the outset that history will be his ultimate judge. And like you, I think that most historians, say, fifty years down the road will probably view him as a fairly decent president.

[edit on 12-5-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

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