posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:38 AM
hi all
I would like to chat about the color of UFO becoz I guess the UFO technology has already up graded!
today~ I saw a UFO and it is my 6th time experience`
when i was waiting for the bus home after work`
I looked up to the cloudy sky about 3 mins`
I saw a moving cloud's color UFO flying into the real cloud~
it was not windy but the UFO speed is fast, faster then the clouds beside~
it shown in my eyes for 2 second` time is short but the distance it fly was far and fast` also the size of it must be big` coz i could compared with
the building below it` the Hongkong tallest buidling.
so have you think about their technology has become better and not let us easy to see them??