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Webster Tarpley on Hannity & Colmes discusses Kerry & WTC7

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posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Wow is this interesting!

Rather out of hand!

It's interesting how they only played the shortest bit from Kerry. Colmes even suggests 'there were buildings down there that had to be brought down in a controlled fashion'.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:36 AM
This wasn't the best push to bring people to ask questions about 9-11, but I think Tarpley does a decent job!!! It is shame the only video of WTC 7 that they show was just a portion of the building falling down, and not the video of it coming down perfectly symmetrical at all four corners!!! I guess that would have been too obvious to lead to Controlled Demolition!!!!

Hannity, looked a little nervous the whole time!!! You know deep down somewhere in the dark little mind, he knows that he is a liar and in fact 9-11 Was An Inside Job!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:02 PM
I find it striking that "Liberal" Colmes kept applauding Tarpley for not liking Kerry. I havent watched Fox News in ages, but shouldn't he support Kerry?


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