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Is fox a truth channel?

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posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:40 AM
I mean I am getting more and more convinced now they are even showing WTC7 falling thats something no one would dare to share.
They are talking about it more and more.
Could this the big plan of the NWO?
They will finally expose the truth after Hilary is elected to get a real civil war in the States after that the next step would be for the UN to take over the control of the US basically establishing a new world order.
Citizens of the US will be to much disgusted with Govt of any kind embracing the idea of actually being controlled by a bigger institution.
Maybe they want the truth to come out they are simply awaiting.
I am sure when Loose Change will come out n September they will be attacking it fiercly giving it more credit.
Its human psicology if you tell ppl not to watch something they will actually go and watch it for sure.
Better bad pubblicity than no pubblicity.
Its impossible that those genius don´t know the basics of media.
I am 100% convinced that Fox its actually pushing ppl to research the argument.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by piacenza]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:56 AM
You are over thinking it way too much buddy, time for you to back away from the keyboard and take a breather. To me this report comes as an obvious prep work to shield the sheeples against those who approach them with talks of WTC7. Their reaction will be "Oh yeah, you are just like that freak I saw on TV about his non-sense"
Nothing in this report will incite the sheeples to look into it, it fact it's just the other way around.

But anyway, they shut their traps for 6 years, because they say a parcel of truth today does not indicate they suddenly became the "truth network"

Go back to your holograms theories ...will ya?


posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:57 AM
[edit on 10-5-2007 by PepeLapew]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 07:22 AM

the UN to take over the control of the US basically establishing a new world order.

How the f*ck would that create a new WORLD order?

Seriously, whats wrong with you americans? How about EUROPE? or ASIA?

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:53 AM
Yes you are over thinking. You have to be careful not to get too conspiracy minded, you have to balance it. You have to find that middle ground. If you don't you will end up doubting everyone and believing everyone is in on some sort of conspiracy and that will leave you paranoid in the classic sense.

There are conspiracy's out there, but you have to find a sufficient reason to believe in them. Its a double edged sword. You can use it, but it might cut you in the process.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:01 AM
I don't think the Fox News is nearly a channel for truth!!! This interview with Tarpley is ok, I wish he didn't make the comment about no fires in WTC 7, but all in all it was a pretty good plug for the movement. I was really shocked to see Fox play a video of building 7 coming down, even through it was zoomed in and you only saw a portion of the building coming down, as compared to a wider shot where you can see all four corners falling at free falls speeds pefectly symmetrical.

Tarpley's book 9-11 Synthetic Terror is truly outstanding, please read it if you haven't.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:22 AM
I never in life though i'd see the words 'Fox' and 'truth' in the same sentence.
Im not mocking your post,it just struck as really funny.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Follow the facts. People lie, but evidence doesn't.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:00 PM
That was a classic "Hit Piece" Hannity and Colmes are a couple of ignorant fox news talking heads....they talk, and they talk, and when they interview a member of the movement, they don't give them a chance to speak, to actually make their argument...they just talk over them, and call them lunatics. They did it to Fetzer (whom i think might actually be going insane), and then we have this piece with Tarpley, and they do it to him too...

Their entire goal appears to be to make the people in the movement look like idiots, so as to diminish the collective credibility of the movement..

They ignorantly dismiss out of hand, anything that either doesn't make sense to them, doesn't fit in line with the company/government's views, or sounds "too fantastical" That's not journalism, that's immaturity, and ignorance, and maybe even a bit of's like they're throwing babies...

Fox "news" is full of ignorant America-wank babies with microphones...

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Daedalus]

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Daedalus]

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