posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:00 PM
That was a classic "Hit Piece" Hannity and Colmes are a couple of ignorant fox news talking heads....they talk, and they talk, and when they
interview a member of the movement, they don't give them a chance to speak, to actually make their argument...they just talk over them, and call them
lunatics. They did it to Fetzer (whom i think might actually be going insane), and then we have this piece with Tarpley, and they do it to him
Their entire goal appears to be to make the people in the movement look like idiots, so as to diminish the collective credibility of the movement..
They ignorantly dismiss out of hand, anything that either doesn't make sense to them, doesn't fit in line with the company/government's views, or
sounds "too fantastical" That's not journalism, that's immaturity, and ignorance, and maybe even a bit of's like they're throwing babies...
Fox "news" is full of ignorant America-wank babies with microphones...
[edit on 10-5-2007 by Daedalus]
[edit on 10-5-2007 by Daedalus]