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Dylan Avery and the " Truth "

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:26 AM
i found this little tid-bit about dylan and his 3 little friends that made
loose change .
" For anyone who believes the promoters of "Loose Change" are in it to purely expose the "lies" of the government, you need to re-consider those beliefs. Three people live off the income from the sales of DVD's. How could they possibly be objective? "
i thought this very , very interesting . makes you wonder what conspiracy
would be his " job " if it wasn't 911 ?

when money is involved , objectivity goes out the window . plain and simple . just how much is he making for the final cut ?
how's that for the " truth " .

heres a nice clip of jason bermas hanging himself nicely .

[edit on 9-5-2007 by gen.disaray]

[edit on 9-5-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
when money is involved , objectivity goes out the window . plain and simple .

I'm not sure that I agree with you entirely. While it is WITHOUT A DOUBT more difficult to retain objectivity in the face of large profits, I don't think that cash and objectivity automatically cancel one another out (it's advertisers, agents, and PR managers that cancel out objectivity...).

That said, I think that the Loose Change franchise may be a bad example for this debate. These guys cashed in on the conspiracy market PRIOR to losing all credibility and so, you could argue, that their success couldn't affect their objectivity because they had precious little to begin with.

I'm rambling a little now but, in the end, I don't see this clip as being the "public hanging" it's advertised as. These guys made some money off their questionable film. Good for them.

Simply because somebody benefits from a disaster, doesn't mean they are manipulating it...right?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:49 AM
Well of course there is money to me made from it. That is what successful people do, they find something they are very passionate about and do that for a living. You also have to take into consideration, that I'm sure making a movie is not cheap, plus it probably takes a considerate amount of time involved. It's not as if he can work a 9-5 job five days a week, and throw together a major movie. Guess what, Alex Jones also makes money from what he does? Is this a bad thing? So, does Anne Coulter, and good ole' Bill O'. Just because someone is making some money, it does not take away their credibility or the message that they are sending. Lot's of people write books, and make money from them. They are the ones that are sending the message it is up to you, on how you feel about it and what to do with the information.

Oh yeah, Dick Cheney is getting deffered salary from Haliburton which he heads, that just happens to making billions from the Iraq Occupation from no bid contracts from the government. Is that fair? So we should bag on Dylan Avery and company for making a buck for producing a movie with a message, but it's ok for the country to allow Dick Cheney to run the country while his company is making money from an illegal occupation of Iraq, with government money.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 12:08 PM
Dylan's response:

You do realize that making movies costs money, right?

You also realize that licensing footage from the Associated Press and making 3d graphics costs money, right?

You also realize we've spent upwards of six figures of our own money giving things away for FREE, right?

Or are you completely oblivious to those realities? If so, pardon my defensive tone, but you've got some audacity making those kinds of accusations.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
Three people live off the income from the sales of DVD's. How could they possibly be objective? "

So... by your logic NO commercial media source is objective?


Popular Mechanics!

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
" For anyone who believes the promoters of "Loose Change" are in it to purely expose the "lies" of the government, you need to re-consider those beliefs. Three people live off the income from the sales of DVD's. How could they possibly be objective? "

Just out of curiosity, do you think the Katie Couric, Tom Brokow, and others are "in it" purely to tell you what's new everyday? Last time I looked Katie was getting paid a lot more than Dylan.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:44 AM
I don't think they had a profit motive when they created the first Loose Change. Even if they did, they're doing a good thing by opening minds. While the content of their films may not contain the strongest evidence, it provides a good primer to the uninitiated.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 07:37 AM
As some of you know, I am NOT a big fan of those "Louder Than Words" guys. Dylan and company are now on their 4th installment of Loose Change in an attempt to get it right.

That beign said, there is nothing wrong with someone making a few bucks as they attempt to do something that they believe will better the people of our country. These guys dedicated many hours to create their films, they need to eat too!

What DOES disgust me about the LC crew is their failure to withdraw the release of their DVD's AFTER Dylan Avery ADMITTED during a video taped debate with Mark Roberts that his DVD had false claims. He admitted his DVD was wrong, yet a week later distributed over 50,000 of them!!! Am i wrong, or is he doing EXACTLY what most truthers preach against?? He is the FOX News of the truthers!!! "We Report it, You decide" Getting your message out there to allow people to make their own decisions is ok...really it is... but NOT BY LYING TO THEM!!

At 6:55 or so into this video you will see Dylan admit to the "ERRORS" in his film:

By Dylan passing out his LC video's AFTER admitting that they are false, reminds me of a man who back on October 7, 2002 told a nation that Iraq was a threat to Americans and our way of life. Bush lied to us...lied to fit HIS agenda of invading Iraq!!

Bush Speech 10/07/02

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 08:28 AM
I didn't have to pay for my copy of LC's dvd. They sent about 50 dvds to me free of charge.I agree Cameronfox,some of the stuff in the video was bull,but it sure opened my eyes to the possibility of some gov. involvement on 9/11.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:21 AM
So Cowpriitt... you have 50 DVD's that contain FALSE information. My question to you... why would you want to send that to your friends? To "open their eyes?" I think if your going to "SPREAD THE TRUTH"... you should start by USING it

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:40 AM
My hackles rise any time a debunker trots out the tired old line of someone profiting from their efforts. It's right up there with disrespecting the families. Puhleeze. All the sudden all these red-blooded Uhmmurikan capitalists turn into some kind of commies--what's with that?

Avery didn't make the original LC dreaming of DVD sales and Hollywood contracts. You've got to be pushing an agenda pretty hard up a steep slope to propose that.

It took off, opened the eyes of millions, and frankly good for them that they reap some reward instead of ending up in a cage in Gitmo.

And as for errors, well 9/11 is so complex--and the reality probably even more bizarre than most mainstream truthers are willing to consider--that errors in LC are inevitable.

They'll be revising it forever trying to keep up with the evolution of study on it, or until someone comes clean about it. So effectively that means forever.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Most people don't have a problem with LC making some coin making their videos. MY problem was with them releasing over 50,000 of them AFTER Dylan ADMITTED that they were FALSE.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 10:03 AM

If you're responding to my post, it was general and for the OP.

But LC is not "FALSE," that's too blanket a statement. Every news outlet in the world prints corrections and retractions (except the WH website), that doesn't make the entire content false.

That version of LC had errors they later recognized, that doesn't make it worthless or Avery & Co. a bunch of amoral, rapacious disinfo agents.

I'm more concerned about drug companies knowingly foisting unsafe medication on the public than if LC had some errors they owned up to and are fixing. What counts is the whole, and it is damning.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Most people don't have a problem with LC making some coin making their videos. MY problem was with them releasing over 50,000 of them AFTER Dylan ADMITTED that they were FALSE.

You might want to liosten to the video again. He did not say the whole CD was false, he stated their was some errors. So to say he admitted the whole CD is false is wrong.

By the way, most of us with a basic intelligence can see on loose change what is not correct, or has no evidence . But their is still some things brought up that do need to be looked in further and the official story can not answer, nor can the 911 commission report.

[edit on 13-5-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
So Cowpriitt... you have 50 DVD's that contain FALSE information. My question to you... why would you want to send that to your friends? To "open their eyes?" I think if your going to "SPREAD THE TRUTH"... you should start by USING it
No they aren't all the same dvd.They are a bunch of different videos like in plane sight,terror storm,etc.And no I didn't send them to no one.As i said before I didn't pay a dime and they aren't ALL lies.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 11:09 PM
I'm siding with Cam here. Let 'em make as much as they like for what they do. It's what they do that matters. Their general info has some wrong points but some validity, the WTC demo stuff I'm still undecided on - but their Pentagon coverage is crap, not even lining up with itself and passing on almost every fraud.
Some "errors" are so blatant it looks like nothing but self-sabotage or unexplained sarcasm. For example:the light poles. Popped out of the ground? What are they on?

They had a dedicated researcher, Bermas, who could've checked things out and filtered the BS, but it good and bad and who knows were tossed in a salad and drenched with a tangy dressing of unexplained certainty. Why? Korey Rowe claimed in an interview “we know there are errors in the documentary, and we’ve actually left them in there so that people discredit us and do the research for themselves.” They could have gotten us started early by saying this in the opening credits, but the errors had to discovered first and then with the "oh, it was on purpose."

Honest researchers just making some honest mistakes? Be honest now...

[edit on 13-5-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
when money is involved , objectivity goes out the window . plain and simple . just how much is he making for the final cut ?

It's called capitalism. You need money to make a movie. If these people were so money hungry why would they put their movie on google video for everyone to watch for FREE?? Face it, they need money to put a movie in theaters, not to mention living expenses. Get over it, you need money to get things done in this world.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 03:15 PM
Yup, If they wake the masses up to what really going on here in our current political climate.........

......that is worth a large amount of compensation IMO!

Whats makes folks think Dylan and Co. would even realize that this would take off? I'm fairly certain from the onset that they did this movie(s) purely to wake people up, and any money made was an afterthought.

Furthermore, even if some of their info may indeed be inaccurate, 9/11 still didn't go down the way it was portrayed to us! They questioned the official story with possible theories and made your avg. Joe Sixpack think.

Fact is we (Americans) got played. Some are wise to it and some have their heads in the sand.......still.

BTW, I didn't pay a dime for any of the 9/11 movies I've seen.

[edit on 033131p://upFriday by QuasiShaman]

[edit on 033131p://upFriday by QuasiShaman]

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