posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:59 AM
firepilot, the answer is yes, BUT. Most of it is 'owned' by various gov agencies, but a lot is also used in real time mode by weather watchers. Out
here, we have a pretty extensive storm watching "grid" of interlocking people and electronics. Not to mention, the actual storm was videotaped when
it struck. It was a mile wide at the base, and very powerful.
I am as paranoid as the next person, but this is just another spring storm like we get all the time. To plant and explode a bomb while a twister is on
your a** is more far out than thinking you could call in the tornado to cover your tracks of doing it. And if you think some gov plane could fly into
this beast and drop a bomb, well, come out here and see one of these things and you'll understand.