posted on May, 9 2007 @ 02:24 PM
I think it is a prank too, In case it isn't (always good to be a little cautious), be aware of your surrounds at all times.
Make sure you have your cellphone is with you at all times, it is an invaulable tool to call for help.
Learn a some self defence skills, it is great in close combat situations.
Every little bit helps, pens and keys can turn into stabbling weapons, use nearby solid objects as cover, and always plan an escape route in case you
need a quick exit.
Sometimes it is good to be a little paranoid, but do avoid becoming extremely paranoid. Don't become too afraid of everything or you might end up
becoming crazy.
It sounds like you need some confidence in your abilities to escape danger. Get fit, exercise, have some athletic skills, run fast, climb well, it
always helps.
If you need more help, try the survival section in ATS. Write a help post there, lots of self defence and combat survival experts in that section.
[edit on 9-5-2007 by ixiy]