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9/11 Controlled Demolition Destroyed The WTC

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Mikey84
Anyway, for those that do believe that it was Controlled, for what ever reason, do you not ever consider that maybe the Terrorists set it up? (personally I don’t believe in the Controlled Demolition Theory)


For ''terrorists'' to set up demolition charges that sophisticated would clearly amply that the government would have let them do it.

There is no way anyone could rig these buildings with complex demolition patterns and not be officials of the government... they would be stopped even before they entered the country...

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Mikey84

On note of the Video, I’m really annoyed as I just wasted 1:23:45 of my life watching something that isn’t new, clips I have all seen before, and has Statements, Footage and Clips Cut short and edited to suit their agenda.

Well if you are so sure that the official story is the truth then why did you bother watching the video in the first place?

Surely you must have known that this would be your opinion of the video no matter what the video showed. Since it's about 911 being an inside job.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by selfless

There is no way anyone could rig these buildings with complex demolition patterns


See how statements can be edited to suit an agenda, just like the ones in the Video.

Can I ask, If explosives where placed in the building, by whomever, how come no one noticed it when being set up, on every floor? Also, how come the WTC Collapse looks and sounds nothing like any other controlled demolition?


posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by selfless

Well if you are so sure that the official story is the truth then why did you bother watching the video in the first place?

Where did I say I was "so sure" of the offical story?

My mind is open, that’s why I watched the Video. So far know one has shown me hard proof or evidence which cannot be explained that would cause doubt on the offical story. Hence, at this moment in time, I’ll stick with the Offical story. I never once said I’m so sure of it though.


posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Mikey84

Originally posted by selfless

There is no way anyone could rig these buildings with complex demolition patterns


See how statements can be edited to suit an agenda, just like the ones in the Video.

If you are against this, please don't do it to me then.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by selfless
There is no way anyone could rig these buildings with complex demolition patterns and not be officials of the government... they would be stopped even before they entered the country...

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:41 PM
yes explosion sounds where heard but just because they sounded like explosions means they were bombs? can other things not explode when a giant building is on fire? the people in NYC and all over America were scared and confused that day and i'm sure if you asked those people now what they thought the explosions were they wouldn't say bombs.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by lizziex3
yes explosion sounds where heard but just because they sounded like explosions means they were bombs?


Just because someone said it sounded like bombs doesn’t mean it was, I mean one person on that video said all the smoke and dust coming down was “like snow”, now that doesn’t mean it was snow does it?


[edit on 9-5-2007 by Mikey84]

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