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288 School Children Sacrificed For The CCP

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posted on May, 7 2007 @ 11:13 PM
Here's an example of how censorship have effectively silenced the truth for more than 12 years. The truth about how 288 school children died in a theatre fire in China, 1994. Most Chinese have probably never heard about this fire. And if they have, they've probably not heard the true story. These children will not be forgotten, thanks to the internet. They were sacrificed to add a few more years to the lives of some dying old men from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On December 8, 1994, there were more than 500 school children and some officials from the CCP in the theatre. A fire suddenly broke out on stage, and the children were ordered to sit down. This was to ensure that the CCP officials could walk out of the theatre first. 288 children didn't make it out alive.

China aghast at ‘sacrifice’ of 288 pupils

WHEN the first flames flared around the theatre’s stage, many of the excited Chinese children watching must have thought it was all part of the show.

Within minutes 288 of them were dead, a tragedy that has haunted their parents for more than a decade but was forgotten by many as China began its headlong rush to prosperity.

It is not forgotten any more, thanks to a band of internet campaigners who have exposed the shameful truth: the schoolchildren perished because they were ordered to sit down in their theatre seats so that Communist party officials could leave first.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Whatever happened to "women and children first"? How do they sleep at night?

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Here's another source. There was another fire in 1977 which killed 597 children. The article doesn't tell whether the victims of the 1977 fire were sacrificed as in the 1994 fire, in order to make sure that any CCP officials would be evacuated safely.

Reuters AlertNet: China 1994 fire killed 288 pupils as officials fled-expose

The high death toll was then blamed on locked exits and the failure of officials to check safety facilities beforehand, and to organise effective evacuation.


"I felt the need to do something to comfort these innocent souls ... comfort angry survivors and the injured who are better off dead," said Chen, whose documentary on the tragedy has been banned by censors.


The fire was the second worst since the 1949 Communist revolution and eclipsed only by a 1977 inferno, also in Xinjiang, in which 694 people died -- 597 of them children.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:28 PM
It is incredibly sick, and only gives me another reason to hate the PRChinese government.

Honestly I was weary of even posting since I'm sure it wont be long before the pro-PRC
individuals come along and try to blame you for being anti-(input good thing) or of
supporting pro-(input bad thing) views.

Hopefully something will happen and the PRC/CCP government will fall or be destroyed.

[edit on 5/8/2007 by iori_komei]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:57 PM
Sad story, and even more sad, having lived in these parts of the world for a while, they don't have empathy so it'll only touch the kins involved.

I can say that having experienced 'normal' peoples reactions to such tragedies as the tsunami, atrocities like "the war on drugs", the Keh Sue massacre or the Tak Bai incident, not to mention daily occurancies like the girl who got her arm chopped off. They just don't care about lifes in this part of the world.

Despite being Buddhist having to respect any kind of life, each life is also insignificant, so why bother. Were they go completely wrong of Buddhisme is they only care about themselves. They'll do anything to save their own skin, sell their children if that's what it takes.

Empathy like in Christianity just doesn't exist in Buddhism. Which in no way can justify how they treat eachother. Unselfishness is also an important part of Buddhism. And THAT they haven't got a bit of.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:17 PM
A bit off topic, but still on message is this disaster I recently became aware of.

Russia finally acknowledges '57 nuclear disaster

KARABOLKA, Russia - One of the world's ghastliest nuclear accidents happened just upwind of here, in a nameless atomic city that never appeared on a map, when an explosion of radioactive sludge produced a toxic plume that contaminated a quarter of a million people.

It happened in the Soviet Union on Sept. 29, 1957, but only now are the victims' voices being heard.
. . .

Children from fourth grade up were pressed into service. Many "young liquidators," as they came to be known, died of radiation-related diseases soon after the blast, which few people know about even today.

. . .

The Karabolka children helped with nuclear triage alongside their parents. Week after week they dug up contaminated potatoes and carrots with their bare hands, then buried them in pits. They filled poisoned wells, cleaned bricks covered in radioactive soot, buried dead cattle, dismantled houses.

"Our hands were bleeding. Everybody was vomiting," said Glasha Ismagilova, 57, who was 11 at the time. "My vomit was very green. The doctor looked at it and said I had eaten too many peas, and he sent me back to work. But of course I hadn't eaten any peas at all."

Yikes! And we thought Chernobyl was bad! Makes me wonder what China's nuclear accident record is really like. the details of this tragedy were only revealed in '04. On a side note, apparently, this was the area that was being surveilled when that SR-71(?) Blackbird spy plane got shot down in the'60's (I think).

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by fingapointa
KARABOLKA, Russia - One of the world's ghastliest nuclear accidents happened just upwind of here, in a nameless atomic city that never appeared on a map, when an explosion of radioactive sludge produced a toxic plume that contaminated a quarter of a million people.

How very tragic. Although I must admit that I had never heard of this nuclear disaster (and I thought I had read up on just about all of the major ones) - thanks for sharing your knowledge.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 06:07 PM

On a side note, apparently, this was the area that was being surveilled when that SR-71(?) Blackbird spy plane got shot down in the'60's (I think).

This sounds like an incident in 1960 when a U-2 spy plane was shot down in russia.


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