posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:33 PM
I worked at a pharmacy for two years and I live in the heart of no man's land here in Hyannis, and let me tell you all, yes, every cent is spent on
drugs and alcohol by the recipients of Welfare. Oh, yes, and playing cards.
I can be so Orwellian sometimes, and ruthless
but its an observation from behind the counter at the pharmacy where i worked. We all knew when
payday was and we knew we'd be real busy. Of course those who are not on welfare are abusers also. I knew who the recipients were because i worked
the computer for billing.
In fact, i never lived anywhere in my life where there was so much drug abuse...Sometimes everyone's all bummed out because the "delivery" truck
got stopped at the Sagamore Bridge. But i want to be fair, it applies to all classes of people here not just welfare.
We just notice the Welfare people and what they do more because we pay for it.