posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:13 PM
Now let me see, if I was about to end my term as dictator of the US, and I didn't want to go, what would I do? Maybe a small bomb or two, and the
supposed thwarting of more, would be enough to declare martial law and 'postpone' the upcoming elections; for everyone's safety naturally.
Hmmm...who could I use to do that? Maybe I could get the same ones I got before. I mean, after all, we started funding them a few years ago when they
were fighting the Ruskies. Hell, we created those guys, and my old pals over at the CIA, that I used to run, can handle this so no one will know
we're letting it happen. Why, even the terrorist themselves won't know we're behind this. Heck, it worked last time.
Now how close to the elections should this be? If I wait too long, there's the chance that the new front runners would balk at being cheated out of
their turn. ( I still think that was low down of Al to fight about my win, just because I wanted it more than him. I'm still pi**ed that I had to
play that Supreme Court trump card. ) But, if I do it too soon, there will be those that want to go ahead with elections just to prove something to
the world. Decisions make my head hurt.
Aw, I'll just ask Dick. He's got the brains for this sort of thing