posted on May, 5 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Hi all,
OK, so i've been around here for a while, and I probably should already know this but I have what may be a really dumb question...
I want to put a link to ATS on my personal webpage (it's not up yet, will be soon though) and I would prefer to have a logo/graphic button to make it
stand out. After all, ATS is possibly my favourite website EVER, I would like to do it the justice it deserves!
I have done a couple of searches, flicked through the handbook and wombled around the forum looking for a thread about this but I haven't found one
yet. That's not to say that such a thing does not exist, it's just that I haven't found it and i'm..erm..impatient shall we say?
So, if you would be so kind, could somebody please enlighten me?
Is there a graphic available that I can use? Or could I possibly just grab the ATS logo and use that as the link image? It would only be linking here
and free advertising should always be welcome yes?
Anyway, thanks in advance and I really hope that this isn't as stupid a question as it feels!
[edit on 5-5-2007 by 12m8keall2c]