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NY DJ'S JV and Elvis Suspended for Racial Prank Call

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:32 PM
Im a regular listener to this program. Its on 92.3 Free FM in New York, Conn. and Jersey. Apparently they made a few prank calls to a Chinese restaurant and pretended to be a Chinese person ordering food. Pork Flied Lice, Chicken With Brocorri, things to that effect.

CBS has currently suspended them, and they may even lose their jobs because they dont want a double standard with the recent Imus situation.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:36 PM
I'm definitely not PC, but I think these asinine goons on the airwaves need to be reined in.

This has nothing to do with free speech or even racial or cultural sensitivity, but rather with decency and decorum.

Such "pranks" that are at the expense of the unwary, regardless of any other factor, are should be unacceptable in any civilized society and should not be under any circumstance be considered entertainment.

I realize that such things have been the stock and trade of such people as Allen Funt and his son, Allen Funt, Jr., but I do believe that their "Candid Camera" programs have never been in anyway mean-spirited.

And I guess that's what it all boils down to: taste.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:56 AM
These day what is there left that we can actually laugh at?

I often order flied lice and when the waiter looks at my funny I say "Yat woon chow faan, um goy"

It may have been funny in leathal weapon with uncle benny on the NOS, but it's not allowed to be funny now!

BTW most BBC's and ABC's (British/American born Chinese) can say their R's and L's no worries and a lot of the native Chinese speak better English and have better grammar skills than your average Brit.

If i had heard this programme I would have laughed. Taking the micky out of an accent is one thing calling a team of proffesionals Nappy headed Ho's is a different kettle of fish completely.

Send them to the restaurant to say sorry to the owners and pay for all the staff to have "yum cha" share some tea, laugh it off, no harm done.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Such "pranks" that are at the expense of the unwary, regardless of any other factor, are should be unacceptable in any civilized society and should not be under any circumstance be considered entertainment.

By whose judgment are we going to determine what entertainment is or isn't? I hate these prank shows, too, but if someone is entertained by them, and the "punk'd" agree to be a part of the show (even if afterward) who am I (or you) to say they shouldn't be considered entertainment?

And I guess that's what it all boils down to: taste.

Whose taste?

It seems to me that this is THE slippery slope I (and others) warned about when everyone wanted Imus' head. Here it is, folks. People are now calling for complete decorum on comedy shows... Ridiculous! How boring are we going to get here in the name of "taste" and "decency"?

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 07:49 PM
I agree that a certain level of "taste" needs to apply to the airwaves, sure you can change the channel, but why should hooligans get to make racist remarks on the air. Seems like there are an awful lot of people out there masquerading as comedians who are nothing more than your average boorish drunkards. Let them sell DVD's on the internet if they want to do that. They do not need to be on the public airwaves spreading racism.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 08:02 PM
I do not know anyone who does not like Chinese food, and because most everyone does like Chinese food, this kind of prank call is not on the same order of magnitude as national news.

The reason for this problem is to change our fundamental system of laws, where common law must have a corpus delecti, where someone is harmed, to a second tier of laws that depends upon anyone at all, even one in a thousand people as testifying "their feelings are hurt." The truth does not matter here, say the truth of linguistic homonyms and telling people we know who can take a joke a play on words. The result is that no one will want to call a Chinese restaurant, and say anything at all, or for that matter call anyone else and say anything at all. Your normal casual environment will be totally disrupted.

This is in regard to pressure groups who wish to change and corrupt our legal system from one of fairness and proportionality to extremist responses to normal casual jokes and conversation. Naturally government officials and the extreme rich will be exempt and can go on telling jokes about their slaves and peasants.

I say CBS is totally wrong, and hateful of our Constitution and laws if they advocate extremist punishments for what we now regard as trivialities.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 08:40 PM
I do not understand what ordering Chinese food has to do with the racist prank played on the radio. I understand even less what SkipShipman's post has to do about the racist prank on the radio.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
I do not understand what ordering Chinese food has to do with the racist prank played on the radio. I understand even less what SkipShipman's post has to do about the racist prank on the radio.

The point is about a public propaganda strategy of reporting so called incidents such as this in order to generate public feelings for the passage of Hate Crimes bills that have crippled free speech in Europe and Canada.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:38 PM
There is nothing "Free" about free speech when it's intention is to spread racial stereotypes. The cost is ignorance. Something we deny here.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 12:09 AM
i have mixed feelings about this... america is the land of the free, thats why we have such a diverse population.

But, say if "we" actually were the minority, and this "joke" was pulled on us..... maybe we wouldnt be so forgiving.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by hikix
But, say if "we" actually were the minority, and this "joke" was pulled on us..... maybe we wouldnt be so forgiving.

I'm not being forgiving. I hate this racist crap. But I support the right of people to be racist. Just because I support their right doesn't mean I AGREE with what they're saying.

Why is it so hard for people to understand this concept?

It's one thing for people to complain about racism on a program and pressure them to change. But it's quite another for the government to step in and say that they're not allowed to say anything racist on the radio.

Besides, there are still plenty of people who are having "jokes" pulled on them or derogatory comments leveled at them. Have you heard of male-bashing? Jokes about fat people? Stupid people? Old people? Where do we draw the line? Is it OK to tell a fat joke, but unacceptable to call a Chinese restaurant? Is it ok for a sports radio program to make snide remarks about ball players' wives but not for women to say that men are pigs? Is it OK to call a vet saying that your dog got into your Viagra but unacceptable to play "Barack, the Magic Negro"?

If we ALL try to apply our personal prejudices and restrict what WE find offensive, there is NO WAY to make it fair except to say that NO JOKES making fun of ANYONE will be allowed.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 04:59 PM
The PC Police Have Spoken

Any free speech mixed with any kind of comedy will no longer be tolerated. All you comedian's out there who would think to belittle a race, are on notice. We will fire you and kill your shows. You will think and talk about only why we deside is funny, that is all.

Why does CBS suddenly seem like black mark guys from "Good Morning Vietnam". They would have already fired Robin Williams.

Am I the only one who saw the movie about PC University.

I think its time we had a giant protest of CBS. Our chant shall be

"Were not going to protest!" "Were not goint to protest!"
"Were not going to protest!" "Were not goint to protest!"
"Were not going to protest!" "Were not goint to protest!"
"Were not going to protest!" "Were not goint to protest!"

We could get people from all forms of life to take a day out of their lives and save us all from the PC Police.

[edit on 7-5-2007 by Royal76]

[edit on 7-5-2007 by Royal76]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 05:16 PM
JV and Elvis were originally Suspened for 2 weeks, now it has been revealed today that they have been suspended indefinetly.... which basically means they have gotten fired!

Its a shame, i would listen to them on my commute to work.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 05:30 PM
You know I think I would hire them, if i owned a competing radio station. If nothing else just to
off CBS.

You want to stop this, you hit them were it hurts in the pocket book, with the lack of ratings.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:38 AM
The ultimate judges of what is acceptable are the advertisers. And they get their input from the consumer. And that's the way it should work.

If a particular radio staion's demographics don't care about the joke, then why make it an issue?

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Well it would seem that they have gotten fired, which is unfortunate because they were good guys and now they are out of work.

Here is the link to the prank call that started it all. Listen to the whole thing and you can decide if it was worth getting fired over. I personally couldnt stop laughing.

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