posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:21 AM
Ok, so what do I mean by this cryptic thread title?
Im talking about our current war time status, how we got there, and why we'll stay there.
SO lets say you are sitting in the board room with your super-elitist NWO buddies. You decide that, for whatever reason, you want there to be
disorder, chaos, and uncertainty in the world on a large scale. You decide that you want the US involved in war, and you want it to stay there....
The following was secretly recorded at a NWO-USA Chapter meeting. Many men lost their lives to bring you this.
Ok. Good plan. How are we gonna do that?
Well, first we need to come up with a way to get the ball rolling somehow (9/11), and once the ball starts rolling, we need to keep it
Well, geez Mr. Im-In-Charge-and-Know-Everything... how do we do that?
Create a catch-22 scenario. We create an enemy that the US public will hate and fear. That will create a camp of the public that wish
to keep us at war. We ride that wave as long as we can.
Ok... ok... I see how that could work. But eventually, they are gonna want to stop the war, right?
Thats when the catch 22 is made evident. We say we cant stop the war because then the enemy will have safe haven and will become so
strong that they will come after us.
This will keep anybody from pulling us out of war.
But at some point down the road, we will be forced to pull out right? Surely, thats inevitable...
Yes thats true. Thats when the catch-22 becomes a catch-33! We allow/create another attack on the homeland, and then we are back at the
begining, going to war!! Once the other NWO chapters see how well this works, I betchya theyll want a slice of the action too. I bet we can get 3 or
4 countries into it next time!! Dude that is gonna be the biggest, coolest war ever!
Man, you are so freaking smart. No wonder you get the big chair in the board room!
Heh heh. Ok, so did everybody get their NWO T-Shirts? I want everybody to wear em when we go meet NWO-Russia on the subs under the ice
cap next week. Dude, they are gonna be so jealous!
Yeah, but NWO-Britain has those cool hats. Did you see those things out at the Grove last year??
Yeah, those hats are pretty sweet...
Seriously though, do you see my point? The above was obviously a fictional dialouge, but I could see a conversation similar to that taking place back
in 1999 or so. They have created a wheel that will keep rolling... for a while...
What is your take on this concept, and how do you think the cycle can be broken? And what do you think they have already come up with to bust your
cycle-breaking ideas? We should be able to discuss this for a few pages.
IMHO & $.02
[edit on 5/4/2007 by damajikninja]