You know, I have many practical experiences with evil, and with the good.
During the course of my life - my work, I have had the occassion to meet with, and interview serial killers like westly alan dodd before his
execution, Eileen Wuornos, K. bianchi, and a few others. I have crossed paths with men and women convicted of the most heinous crimes, as well as a
whole slew of racists in the form of KKK Grand-Ds, Neo Nazis, and Aryans.
I have also stared into the eyes of 12 and 16 year olds, who have murdered over the simplist disputes, for fun - for the thrill of it. And I have
survived numerous attempts on my own life, at the hands of evil men.
And you know what? I have seen demons walking in the flesh of men and women.
I'm not trying to be a braggart, and neither do I have a puffed up opinion about myself. Whether you believe me or not isn't important. I just
wanted to give you a frame of reference for my imput to this discussion.
Evil, is the absence of light. One of the misconceptions about this material universe is the false notion of ballance - meaning, "In order for there
to be good, there must be evil."
Well, in the realm of the True Light, where the Source of all Light (Not the false light of the sun or stars) is manifested, evil does not exist.
Goodness does not need evil, but evil needs the light. In this material universe, evil is an imposition upon the true light beings trapped here. The
true light beings are not here to learn. Everything we needed to learn, we learned in the first 10 seconds we appeared in this material universe. We
learned that this is not home!
Since then we have been trapped in a continuous cycle of birth and death. True light beings are actually prisoners here, waiting for the rescue
mission to leave this realm, which is actually underway as we speak.
Over the course of this linier existance, many of the original true light beings trapped here, have given over their will - their light, to the false
light beings. So they are in essence walking, talking physical shells in which there is no light.
And their existence is like that of charactors in a video game you controll with a joy stick. Only, the controlling force is the power of darkness,
which exists here on earth, and in the astral plane. Their purpose is to beat you down until you willingly give up your light. Your pain, is energy.
They use the energy generated by the light to keep this matrix - this illusion running. Yes Matrix. The Wachowski brothers are actually true light
beings, presenting a fictionalized version of this material universe.
It is easy to spot a true light being. You see the light in their eyes, their hearts, (which is manifested in acts of love - without the slightest
expectation of rewards, or praise) and in their physiognomy. It is impossible to fake physiognomy. Each of the serial killers, and murderers, child
molestors, rapists, racists, and demons I mentioned previously, had not the light in their eyes, and certainly no love in their hearts for
Love, to them, is associated with a need, or a desire, or in the controlling of another entity, human or animal. They have a passion for chaos, fear,
inflicting pain, for the sight and feel of blood on their hands - the taste of it. Many of them express being sexually arroused by the frenzy of the
act of murder, the sensation of the life slipping away.
Some are just numb, unfeeling, mechanical, methodical drones, going about business with a workman like attitude. No right or wrong. Only the rightness
of the act.
At this point in our linier history, those who are true light beings know who they are, and know the difference between themselves, and the dark
brothers and sisters. The dark brothers and sisters believe in nothing, but the end of life. And at the end of this life, they will achieve exactly
what they believe - nothing! And this is the ultimate expression of evil, choosing nothing, over the good - the Light!
[edit on 4-5-2007
[edit on 4-5-2007 by eyespy2]