posted on May, 2 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Oh so very, very wrong. I apologize if this is story is a bore. But it's just something I have to say, have to get out.
To start, I am currently 18, going to be 19 this summer. My girlfriend of almost 3 years (3 in august) and I have had an up and down relationship, to
say the least. the first few years were amazing. We got along amazingly, with the two of us spending days, weeks, and at times even months on end
together, just having a good time with each other. But as time went by, we started to grow apart. by about 7 months ago, it was done.
Now, this other girl had been after me for some time, and struck at the opportunity. we spent one night together. Just one. But luck was against us,
and she got pregnant. Now, with her living in another city a few hours away, I had to move in with her. This involved my dad essentially disowning
me(and despite my efforts I have not spoken to him since, nor his parents) me quiting my job, and dropping out of school so I could move in with her,
rebuild my life there, and continue on. It sucked, but thats life, and it's not like it can get any worse, right? Wrong.
After a few weeks, at a the doctors, it was brought to my attention that the baby was concieved almost 3 weeks before I had had relations with her;
further more, she admitted to having known this. I was shattered. And so, for the second time in a month, I was stuck completely rebuilding my life.
But the story has not ended yet.
I go back to my home town, of Simcoe. I happen upon Suzanne, the first girlfriend, we strike up a chat, and thus starts a friendship. over the next
weeks, we were once again playing around with the idea of a relationship. At first as a joke, but then in all seriousness, we began dating again. We
seemed to be doing even better than before. It was exillerating.
As summer aproaches and we are both planning to head off to other things, we were talking about our plans together. Before, we had essentially lived
together, and so were quite sure we could do it. Through the several months just passed, we had certainly learnt what we meant to each other, and I
had certainly come to realize what I had almost lost. She began bringing up the topic of marriage and kids. She was never serious about it, it was
half joke and half to see how I would handle such topics. Neither of us would deny the fact that we are certainly not ready for that as of yet.
Quite literally, the day after we had shared a wonderful dinner and a just wonderful time with each other(that would be this past tuesday), she
emailed me to tell me that she had found someone else, a 40 ish year old man, and that we were over. I was and am utterly devastated, despite the fact
that I had it coming to me.
Any comments/advice etc are welcome, and even if there is none, it just feels good to get that out.