posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:40 PM
Sorry if there is another one of these up already. But I can't find if it is. I just really look forward to coming home on wensday's and watching my
tivo of Jericho, and Lost on Wensdays.
I was wondering if anyone wanted to talk about Jericho. The show brings me back to when I was a kid and all the books I read about how the world was
after a Nucleur strike.
Things have been heating up with a battle looming between Jericho and their neighboring city New Bern.
Main Site:
I'm enjoying all the intrigue. Especially the Hawkins character.
Skeet Ulrich is doing a good job as Jake Green.
Right now the city of Jericho is fixing to be shelled by New Bern over land and food.