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The Killing of Fouad Kaady - Police Brutality

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:03 AM

The Killing of Fouad Kaady

In the early afternoon of September 8, 2005, police encountered Fouad Kaady shortly after he was in an accident that left him in shock and bleeding, burned over much of his body. Rather than calling for medical help, the police commanded him to lie on the pavement, even though they could see the burned flesh hanging from his body, and even though they said he appeared to be "in a catatonic state." When he did not comply with their orders, but instead continued to sit on the ground in a daze, they tasered him repeatedly. And then, they shot him to death.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

[edit on 2-5-2007 by osram]

[edit on 2-5-2007 by osram]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:03 AM
When you've read through this news-report and watched the corresponding video you will probably conclude with this story as an obvious case of police-homicide. It perfectly shows how biased the investigations and tv-reports are done in case of investigations against the police.

Only this time the evidence is overwhelming:
It is absolutely incomprehensible how those two officers were capable of repeatedly tazering and shooting an unarmed, blood-covered, and severely burned victim of a car accident.

For my part I can only say that with the recent changes towards completely corrupted police-states people will have to think twice if they really want to call the police for help in an emergency situation.

Those are very sad times indeed.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 2-5-2007 by osram]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:10 AM
The officers story went from

1. The guy was bloody, burned, butt naked and sitting indian style in the road and they wanted to get him help.
2. They told him to lay on the pavement when he is burned and bloody from a car accident.
3. He didn't lay down because he was burned, bleeding, and probably very confused while in shock from the previously mentioned car accident that burned him and made him covered in blood from head to toe.
4. They use a stun gun because he wouldn't lay down.
5. Guy runs for his life when he realizes the people he thought were coming to his aid are injury him even more than he already is.
6. One police officer has a HUGE blood/germ phobia and 'doesn't want the guy touching him', so he unloads three shots into him.
7. Nude, unarmed, burned, bleeding guy who was sitting indian style after a car wreck that left him injured dies because he was bleeding and could have potentially had any number of random diseases.

This all occured in 28 seconds apparently.

Watch all 5 clips, it doesn't take long.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by Spoodily]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 07:17 PM
There certainly are exceptions, as the case for Kaady Fouad. And those officers deserve no less than 50 years in prison for their crimes. I'm not going to say all cases are justified, but most cases involve a criminal that has fired shots at officers or civilians, murdered or committed a violent act...that's where I draw the line, that's when it is fair to call them scum.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:20 AM
Really interesting - IMO - This thread was started - what 5 years ago?

For what? NOTHING. No real participation at all.

Why? Was it viewed as an isolated case?

Did we 'believe' in the police as little as five years ago?

Were our eyes not opened?

Has the escalation of police abuse done just that - escalated over the last 5 years - or our awareness of it?

The killing of Mr. Kaady? It hurts the soul - it hurts the soul to hear it, watch it, learn of the incomprehensible KILLING of Fouad Kaady.

The killing of Fouad Kaady came to my attention from this thread:

Why Cops Fear-WARNING-As disturbing as Kelly Thomas video X 10


posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:21 AM


posted on Jun, 18 2015 @ 10:51 PM
I was going to start a new thread on this but see it has already been mentioned.
I was curious if Answer would offer his take on this particular incident.

The thread and topic may be old, but the relevance is far from old with the increasing private social media, non state sanctioned scrutiny happening on our militarized police force.

I am getting the impression from his posts that it is possible to be a bad human being, many times over, but it is not possible for bad humans to be cops.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: osram

If social media was a lot bigger in 2005 this story would have made the rounds.
Not many people know about this story so I thought I would refresh it.
It is the worse case I have come across and something I would expect from ISIS

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 05:20 AM
Definition of "Wrath" - extreme anger (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical effect).

I always knew that I have had an anger problem, but I never knew it had an actual term. Now that I know what my weakness is, I have been meditating on why I am so angry, and my only conclusion is that I can't stand the lack of justice in this country. When you watch people getting violated day in and day out, it has a bad toll on your mind. It's because of stories like this one that I can only watch the news on TV a few hours a week, versus watching it non-stop daily like I use to.
edit on 31-12-2015 by DebtSlave because: spelling

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 06:22 AM
I've heard the stories but this surely is the worst of them. What goes through the mind of a person who does this to a badly injured human.

I can see the point if it was an animal and it was so badly injured that it needed to be put out of it's misery...Hold on, I may i've just given them a defense.

Utter Scumbags the two of them.
edit on 31-12-2015 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

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