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Close Encounters - I Had Sex with an Alien!

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posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 10:48 AM
Not me, I haven't got that desperate just yet...although that blank expressionless face and boney figure really does it for me...

Where do people get these crazy ideas from though? Even if there are ET's I doubt they're going to sneak into your room of a night and do the horizontal tustle, just because they think you're hot stuff or something.

Forget China's astronauts. The country's most famous intergalactic traveler lives in the last house on his lane at the edge of a Siberian forest. Meng Zhaoguo's odyssey began at the Red Flag logging camp in the Manchurian province of Heilongjiang, when he saw a metallic glint thrown off nearby Mount Phoenix. Thinking a helicopter had crashed, he set out to scavenge for scrap. The 36-year-old lumberjack stood gazing at the wreck from across a valley when "Foom! Something hit me square in the forehead and knocked me out."

That collision four years ago, and what followed, has made Meng a celebrity even today among the growing number of Chinese gaga for little green men. In a country that bans "evil cults" and monitors faith in anything but the Communist Party, a belief in extraterrestrial life is one of the few fringe convictions that's been allowed to grow into an organized movement.

The government-approved China UFO Research Center boasted 50,000 members and held annual conferences before splintering into competing factions three years ago. A 20-year-old Chinese bimonthly magazine about UFOs enjoys a circulation of 200,000.

"We have so many visitation reports that if people don't have pictures, we won't bother investigating," says Zhang Jingping, director of the Beijing UFO Research Association.

Chinese fascination with interplanetary life isn't entirely new. Believers point to a 4th century text called the Collected Legacies, which describes a "moon boat" that floated above China every 12 years.

Today's focus is on the science of UFOs�something tolerable to a Chinese Communist Party that advocates "scientific socialism." It helps that heavy hitters such as the former president of Beijing Aerospace University have long advised UFO-research organizations.

The hard-science bent means it's acceptable to publish research on close-encounter stories. It's not O.K., however, to wonder if such stories result from people searching for higher meaning in the hurly-burly of a changing China by turning to God, Buddha or even E.T.

"Chinese may feel a spiritual impulse that leads some to believe they've been abducted by aliens," says Richard McNally, a psychologist at Harvard University who has researched Chinese alien-abduction claims.

Few have enjoyed as remarkable a journey as Meng. Several nights after his wallop on the head, Meng says he found himself floating above his bed. As his wife and daughter slept below, a 3-m-tall, six-fingered alien with braided fur on her legs straddled his waist. After 40 minutes of levitational copulation she departed through the wall, leaving Meng with a 5-cm mark on his thigh.

A month later, he says, he was transported through the wall into a spaceship. Meng asked to see the woman with the braided fur. Impossible, they said. But they gave him hope.

"In 60 years, on a distant planet," they said, "the son of a Chinese peasant will be born." Meng asked if he would ever see this child. He would. The aliens did not say where.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 12:13 PM
i thought the blue alien water chick out of "attack of the clones" was hot, am i alone?

yes. Also t-pol out of enterprise but thats a no brainer.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Ok... I think this female alien with braided fur going down her legs sounds positively hideous... a real bohemian style statement there.... Sure she wasn't a deadhead girl?

And what does this say of his mental state if he can maintain a woody with Cousin It straddling him?


posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by intelgurl

And what does this say of his mental state if he can maintain a woody with Cousin It straddling him?


Its amazing what turns the body on when you ain't getting any! Maybe he realised that is the best he'll get a cross bred alien hippy from space!

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by intelgurl
Ok... I think this female alien with braided fur going down her legs sounds positively hideous... a real bohemian style statement there.... Sure she wasn't a deadhead girl?

And what does this say of his mental state if he can maintain a woody with Cousin It straddling him?


you just made my day

Coffee -vs- Keyboard

Coffee 1
Keyboard 0

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 05:44 PM
Something interesting I think worth mentioning about a good many of these "abduction" cases is that they often include details of reproductive procedures and an intense interest in reproductive organs and human paternal instincts.

This is not uncommon in the world of psychiatric medicine. Often times, when a person has been abused sexually, especially by a loved one or family member they care about, the ability to cope with that thought is unthinkable. Often times the victim will convince him or herself that the real perpatrator was an alien, and will come up with vivid, detailed descriptions (often very intense and realistic) and stories that they really, honestly believe, because they cannot psychologically come to grips with the fact it was someone they know or love.

The point is, this is nothing uncommon. Whever you hear abduction stories with a perverse twist, take it with a grain of salt...or two. The supression of sexual abuse is a nasty topic, but very real and unfortunate. 'John' is unable to accept that his uncle, whom he loved dearly, touched him when he was young, and has since convinced himself that he was abducted and abused by Aliens.
It's a very sad, tragic problem, but one that is widespread.

This Chinese fellow in the article obviously has some emotional/psycho-sexual issues that he has to deal with, and chooses aliens to justify it to himself.
Either that, or he's just damn desperate for attention.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 05:59 PM
I had sex with an alien too!!!!!

No wait!

That was an an Illegal alien

Never mind

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 06:12 PM
pfft hahahah omfg hahahah sorry that was just too funny hahahaha

and i thought aliens were obessed with anal torture.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 06:49 PM
I bet anything the alien with the hair braids was Chewbacca's cousin!

Or Barfs....

[Edited on 2-1-2004 by DarkHelmet]

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 07:41 PM
so now someone knows how cartman feels

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:05 AM
Yeah I had sex with E.T....Eddie Torres the Extra Testical.
Sure some people are confusing their abductions with repressed memories of sexual abuse, but I reckon most of them are mixing two bankable commodities of sex and aliens together. Hey sex sells and if that sex was with a UFOnaut...even better.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:43 AM
Here's a sexier alien encounter

In Brazil during the 1950's worldwide "UFO Flap" comes a report of one of the most bizarre accounts on record�the seduction of Antonio Villas Boas. The first recorded incident of a UFO abduction in the modern age happened to the 23 year old Brazilian on October 15, 1957. It also stands as a well documented "physical" case with doctors examining the effects after his encounters.


posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by intelgurl
Ok... I think this female alien with braided fur going down her legs sounds positively hideous... a real bohemian style statement there.... Sure she wasn't a deadhead girl?

And what does this say of his mental state if he can maintain a woody with Cousin It straddling him?


Intelgurl.... I know this is off topic, but is that a pic of you you're using as your avatar ? I also noticed the lockheed sign in the background....

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