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What was that!?

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by roswell1
Am I going to be the first to mention Hogzilla?

[edit on 10-5-2007 by roswell1]

Yes, I have heard of Hogzilla. It was a nicname of a large sized hog shot near the Georgia-Florida border. I read an article about it in a Florida newspaper. Hogzilla in Europe? Well, there can't be just one giant hog I suppose. Has there been any other sightings that would happen to be in Europe? Thank you.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:48 PM
Now let us see. I believe many people are going with the wild boar theory, some are going with the deer theory, one went with the wolf theory (Which, to tell you the truth, I still think may not be the case), and some went with the bear theory.

Oh, and again, thanks for the fox info...I'll keep a log on it.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:16 AM
It sounds like a deer. German bears are only found in the province of Barvaria, which is way down south. Unless you over in Barvaria, I highly doubt it was a bear. Maybe a boar, yet I've beeen to Germany once and have yet to see a boar, but I seen a lot of deer, and those things are giant, especially the ones in Hungary...they have 18 points on them, and have antlers as big as a mosse's, but, it's a deer. So, I have to go with deer.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Yes, I have been to Barvaria before. I was traveling with my dad, grandma, little brother and cousin, and they saw a black bear. This was about two years ago by the way. It may have been in Austria. I'm not sure, but Barvaria and Austria are pretty close by. But I'm 99% sure was in Barvaria. Anyways, I wasn't in Barvaria when that happened. I was in Haupsthul, Germany (Not to far from Landsthul, Kaiserslaughtern and Saarbrucken). but I did see some deer antlers that sounded like the ones you saw in a German restraunt that the owner said were from Germany, Austria and Hungary. So, it is most likely to be a deer? And yes, I've yet to see a wild boar there, too.
So, it is most likely a deer now?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:51 AM
I am sorry OkamiZaku, you have a big red shiny "annoy me" button, and sometimes I can't help myself from pushing it.

I don't believe it is out of the realm of possibility in the last few months that you are now able to get a hold of a camera... It's just mighty convenient that when you saw a dragon (at the same place on more then one occasion) you couldn't even manage an 8 buck disposible from WalMart, but now that you want pictures of a real world mundane creature you're all over it...

I am also basing my judgement of your mysterious creature in the woods on this behavior. Come on your the guy that saw (and posted about seeing) a dragon ferchris' sake! It can't have been a deer, a wolf, or a boar. You posted in the cryptid forum!

Now you see at the same time I was pushing that shiny button I was also trying to be nice and tell you when and where I see foxes... It is YOUR job to figure out how that can be manipulated to fit your situation. Foxes are foxes where ever you go, so... Let me break it down for you. They come out at night, they stay away from larger canines (ones that are also hunting at night or domesticated ones that are in the area). They like to feel safe so they avoid large open areas and stick to treelines and ditches (creek beds or man made ditches and such) while they are on the move. You might need to ask around, but if there are any living in your area somebody has seen them. When you find the spot, you have to be quiet and patient (unless you go the peepee route!). This is all anecdotal by the way, I am in no way a fox specialist. My buddy told me what he knew about them from first hand experience, and I came over and checked it out. I have also seen foxes in urban settings. They have followed the same rules as the ones above (avoided larger canines, kept to the safety of the creek or ditch, always late at night, etc.).

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Whargoul, look. I try my best not to push the "IGNORE THIS USER" button. Who knows? This annoying person may have something smart to say!

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Dearest OkamiZaku,

Whargoul has a point. Although, I would consider that maybe you couldn't afford a disposal camera? I mean, if you were really broke (Which is understood, I only have two dollars myself), than then it would be OK. I would just like to tell Whargoul here that maybe he couldn't afford a cheap throw-away camera. Not all people have that much many, even as a middle-class person...or a minor, like himself, mind you. But anyways, back to Whargoul's point. You saw an Amphithere dragon-serpent thing for crying out loud, and now you are talking about some unknown beast that you heard in a forest in Germany, and you are thinking it's a bear/deer/wild boar? You could have discovered Bigfoot in Europe for Christ's sake!! When he made up that comment about that "You are a dragonoligist, so was it a dragon?", he did not mean it as an insult in any way. This is a cryptid forum, so try to think of something on the supernatural side, but please, just remember too...


...and more importantly, deny ignorance, my brother!!

Take it from the guy who has -355 (OR SOMETHING OTHER) ATS points! You have more than me, brother. So, just take my advice!!


Fellow brother

(EDIT) Oh, and great statement!! That one, erm, annoying person could have a good thought! (EDIT)

[edit on 4-6-2007 by Missingno.]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:37 PM
Missingno., I love you, brother.

Alas, why would it be something supernatural? And the dragon thing? I must have seen something other.
Why would have I seen a dragon? If few have, why would I be one of them? I have to face reality...

Farwell, goog ATSrs.


Pleasure posting, brothers and sisiters.

Whargoul, you know? You're a cool guy.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 02:27 PM
OkamiZaku, D:

IT'S OK. A person can site anything! Peoplecan doa nything! IT'S GONNA BE OOK!

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Franz von Humboldt
You want us to tell you what that thing was??? Well brother I wasn't there to see it. I guess we'll never know.

you are sooooooo right

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by lynchisgod

Originally posted by Franz von Humboldt
You want us to tell you what that thing was??? Well brother I wasn't there to see it. I guess we'll never know.

You are sooooooo right.

Lynchisgod, sorry, but we kind of discussed over that about 3 pages ago. ^_^

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:26 AM

Oh, and btw Missingno., thanks for believing in me.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by OkamiZaku
Missingno., I love you, brother.

Alas, why would it be something supernatural? And the dragon thing? I must have seen something other.
Why would have I seen a dragon? If few have, why would I be one of them? I have to face reality...

Farwell, goog ATSrs.


Pleasure posting, brothers and sisiters.

Whargoul, you know? You're a cool guy.

Ahhh, thank you! I love you all too!

You can ignore me though, I don't mind...

I've given it a lot of thought and decided on your creature being:
a Bugbear!

Seriously though, I think you might have me all wrong. I DONT believe in cryptids, but am fascinated by them (as I am sure you are). I don't see why a bigfoot couldn't exist (probably because they are so close to the mundane animals in the world, although dragons... cmon no way), and I also don't see why this creature in the woods couldn't be one.

Even though popular opinion here is boar/deer/wolf, this is the cryptid forum and we should consider the kind of cryptid it could have been! Germany has wyrms right (hey that's a dragon isn't it!?!). I don't see why Germany couldn't have a bigfoot type right? I just read one post a few days ago that linked British werewolves to subteranian caveman throwbacks (oh, CHUDs! one of MY favorites), the Duetchland could have them too?

So, can anyone add anything else? Of these which do you think might be the most common, thus most likely to have been heard by Zak? I am going to vote... Bigfoot/CHUD (they seem so similar whos to say they are seperate)!

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Wyrms: AKA: Knuckers, Worms

I call them by the name, Knuckers, though, IT could be the German Bigfoot, you know!
Oh, yes, and btw, yes, a Knucker (Or Wyrm) is indeed a dragon. But the European Dragon (AKA: Standard Western Dragon, althought that isn't the proper name) also is found in Germany, mainly at Castle Drachenleiger (Or something like that).

It could be a Knucker! But they are more snakelike than dragonlike. I think it would be more liked a hissy-roar and a slithering noise then.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:23 AM
Lol...yeah, I know, kind of a random comment above, ya know, with the dragon thing, but hey, you heard whargoul...

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