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Big Brother Nation: 1 Camera for Every 14 People in the UK

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posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 05:18 PM
To the Americans:
Britian is not a police state, not even close. Look up the definition, heck i'll do if for you.

Police State
n. A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the people, especially by means of a secret police force.

So they have alot of cameras. Big deal, it's nothing like a police state. The cameras are for the lack of police, to protect them. I garentee if it started to actually get like a police state people would start doing something about it. To top it off, the British don't even care! If, they don't care about all the cameras why do you need to force your ideals upon them?

To the British:
What most of the Americans are trying to say is that, they fear that the Americans closest ally, Britian, will become a police state. Us Yank's have a Constition that alot of us will die for. We wouldn't want to see you guys become something that is opposite of the Consitiution.

Edits are due to spelling, or lack of it

[edit on 30-4-2007 by Reform America]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 05:27 PM

To the British:
What most of the Americans are trying to say is that, they fear that the Americans closest ally, Britian, will become a police state. Us Yank's have a constition that alot of us will die for. We wouldn't want to see you guys become something that is opposite of the Consitiution.

You see, the problem here is that the Lawyers who ru(i)n this nation insist we don't need a written constitution.

I'd say that now we need one more than ever.

My over-riding thought about the direction we're going is how those who fought and died in the Second World War would feel to see what we've become.

Personally, I think they'd be appalled.

60 years ago people fought to the death to protect our rights, now very few people care.

Thing is, the people in this country are sheep. They'll only wake up to the way things are going when its too late.

We have one chance, perhaps two if we're lucky (the next general elections) to reshape this nation from the cesspool it has become.

If we don't, I'm leaving and the rest can rot for not saying something sooner.

Whilst I don't ever envisage a totalitarian regime in the UK, the ongoing erosion of our fundamental rights can only be a bad thing. Crime and anti social behaviour is spiraling out of control because the sheeple in the UK think these cameras do something to protect them from the scum on the streets. Not sure what makes them think that 'cos it certainly isn't true.

What we need is police on patrol and the judiciary able to sentence people to a term appropriate to their crime.

These days, the over-riding concern of the judicial system is the rights of the offender. The rest of us can get stuffed.

The UK is truly an appalling place to live.

You should see the subtle but insidious brainwashing of our schoolchildren to conform to a lifestyle dictated from a little PC elite. Truly sickening.

10 years ago I'd never have dreamed of saying this but: I hate the UK and what the filth in power have done to it.

I blame the Labour Party for instigating this, the Tories for doing little to stop it (and bringing about the greedy 'me, me, me' culture) and the public for voting for these bastards!


posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Its not merely having the ability to look at people, its the possibility to track people. The 1984'ish mantra that "Hey if you're not doing anything wrong then you don't have anything to worry about" is really an uninformed view in my opinion.

So, the fear is the government MIGHT track you. If the government wanted to track you, they'd be able to do it with cameras or without.

These cameras aren't affecting me, or anyone else I know negatively. If thy were then the public would be throwing a strop.

Please explain where the flaw in Hey if you're not doing anything wrong then you don't have anything to worry about" if the government abides by the law.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLazy

So, the fear is the government MIGHT track you. If the government wanted to track you, they'd be able to do it with cameras or without.

Really? How can the gov't track people easily and without all that pesky red tape such as court orders and such? Are you suggested a gov't employee 'tailing' you like in the movies? What we're talking about is mass tracking abilities, ability to reference the database for any particular person, kind of like a Google for people. Want to know where someone went, what they are doing, look em up in the system by typing their ID number.

Have you seen 1984 the movie or read the book? Please so it may enlighten you to the scenario and information. Also "Brave New World" Aldous Huxley and most recently, V for Vendetta.

[edit on 30-4-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes

Originally posted by CaptainLazy

So, the fear is the government MIGHT track you. If the government wanted to track you, they'd be able to do it with cameras or without.

Really? How can the gov't track people easily and without all that pesky red tape such as court orders and such?

Well how do you think they track criminals? Paper trails, phone/bank records, etc i'm sure it's not that hard.

I think one of the issues here (in my mind anyway) is that we can see the direction that America's government and social system is headed, with the US losing liberties all the time because of counter-terrorism and national security, and we are scared that we will also start losing our freedom and liberties as well.

If we are all kept under constant surveillance with biometric ID cards then we could be headed for a disguised type of fascism where we are herded and controlled by the government and there is sweet F.A. that we can do about it. It would also quell the chances of any sort of rebellion if we got to that stage, because anyone who began to oppose the government would be rounded up within minutes with this facial recognition and biometrics technology. It just seems like a perfect use for implementing all this surveillance of the nation.

The first sign that this is about to happen would be the USA revoking the gun ownership rights of their nation, probably in the name of anti-terrorism. Isn't the whole point in you being able to own a gun for in case the government goes bad? Well if the government take your guns away then something's up, I mean they've already been eavesdropping on their own citizens, who knows what's next.

I'm not saying this is how it is, it's just a theoretical scenario to consider.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 10:38 AM
The right to bear arms its in the hot seat, right now in the US, with all this maniacs, or CIA Psy Ops, shooting everybody so the people will finally get fed up with all the killing in schools and colleges, that they'll have to give in to their gun rights.

[edit on 1-5-2007 by bartholomeo]

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