posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Hi people.
I read many times over the Net, that aliens created the human mind some fourty thousand years ago, using up the body of conventional animals, like
monkeys. Developing the mind of an existing animal, not really using up an actual alien gene. This would mean, that the animal's gene is nothingg
more , but of any other animal's, therefore no other alien (or enlightened human) would be interested in such a gene.
Would it mean, that humans don't even have any gene to manipulate or discover? Our mind is set up as is, no way to make it any further, nothing more
but what we have.
Other interesting opinion is, that humans are created for hard labour, to serve aliens. Possibly they would like to rule over people.
Soo, what is the human's future? Are we going to rrecieve a new gene to develop ourselves? Aliens are here, they have interesting support for humans.