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9/11=population thinning?!?

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posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 03:12 PM
9/11 was not Al Queda. it was the U.S government. They did'nt do it to provoke war nor to get cheap oil. It was population thinning. think about it. Over 10,000 dead, 99.99% of first response teams have sickened with lung disease AND 3000+ soldiers dead in the war? Its clearly pop. thinning. The disease is caused by toxic substances in the air surrounding Ground Zero.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:43 PM
lol granted any loss of life is tragic but there wont be enough people who die from 911 and related illness caused from dust inhalation to even come close to being described as population thinning.

They have pushed forward an agenda which happens to place America at the helm of one of the worlds largest remaining reserves of oil


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