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Cat gives birth to a white puppy?

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posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 10:34 AM
No, no, no people. Cats and dogs cannot produce babies together. Neither can cats and rabbits. Animals are classified to show how closely related they are. Not only are cats and rabbits different species they're an entirely different order of mammals. Cats are carnivora, rabbits are lagomorpha. The same with dogs/cats. Dogs are canines, cats are felines. The 2 cannot have babies together. Not only are they different species they are 'reproductively isolated' by their different mating habits. Felines are induced to ovulate by the backward slanting barbs on the male cats penis which rubs against the walls of her vagina upon withdrawal. Dogs/rabbits don't have barbed penis'. No barbs, no ovulation, no babies. If they could we'd have tons of them running around by now cuz My dog is forever humping My cat.

FYI-Dogs and wolves can create babies together but dogs and foxes cannot, also small wild cats and domestic cats can breed.

Peace. K*

Cats will nurse puppies if introduced early enough into Her litter. That's probably what the picture's of.

edit by Me to add last line.

[edit on 4/29/07 by Demetre]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I am quoting you however because your calling Gemwolf a guy and I have never thought GW was male...
.....I am going to send this link to GW and see what they have to say for themselves lol......
[edit on 28-4-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

LoL! I never realised my masculinity was in question... RiverGoddess, I'll be sure to be more masculine, manly and butch in my posts. (Although I have no idea where I've been going wrong...
Don't worry. I've made the mistakes many a time myself. Like I thought His Upper Highness Mister Majic was a girl when I first met him.

Originally posted by JackofBlades
I can't find the original page but it was discussed. Wait until Gemwolf has a look, he'll know what I'm talking about.

You're quite right! There was a similar thread in November 2006. That case was in Brasilia (news article) however and was discussed on ATS:
Discussion 1
Discussion 2 (Archived)
In that case it was also proven a hoax, and remains very much impossible.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 03:56 AM
Thanks for clearing this up Gemwolf.........................Sir.

Please forgive me for thinking alot of the SMARTER posters have just got to be females.......................MY BAD.........

(and I am making a joke fellas so please don't send pipe bombs to my house)

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

No, no tests will be done. Cats and dogs are genetically and physically incompatable. As I said, it's as likely as a cat giving birth to a horse.

...I think many people have come to this board because they begin to realize that many of the things we have been taught and told
are not actually true...

I once worked for a HEW real estate broker, who had been an R.N. in Arkansas previously. She stated, that when she worked in a sanitorim
(mental hospital) there, she saw deformed people that truly appeared to
be mixtures of animal and human... Like pig human hybrids, and horse human hybrids...

You may say that this sounds like urban legends, but from the
demeanor of this woman when she told this story, I believe she was telling the truth...Even her husban was skeptical...

Also... I remember on the David letterman Show years ago, he had a segment on strange looking pets...

There was an animal that looked .for all the world like a cross between a cat and a small dog... When the owner brought it out on stage.. Well.
the audience just started laughing uproariously!

Also.. I say a dog once "playing" with a cat in what seemed a sexual manner... The cat didn't seem to mind,.. But when I "caught" the dog in this act.. He (it) actually looked startled and even guilty!!

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by cosmokatt7

...I think many people have come to this board because they begin to realize that many of the things we have been taught and told
are not actually true...


There's a difference between the "grey areas" in science, where no one knows for sure and there's nothing but supporting theories, and absolute undeniable fact, proven, known, full stop, end of discussion.

Let's see there's the science part, which Byrd tried to explain, and I'll try to explain again...

1. Cats and Dogs are from different genus, although they are from the same order and family (Carnivora), they are from different genus (Dog - Canidae and Felidae - Cat).

We need to stress that they are from different genus, because that's a good indication of how closely related they are. Animals are classified by different taxonomic levels that are roughly correlated to how closely related they are. So, all members of genera are individual species that are closely related, but members of a family are closely related genera.

Once you get out to the level of orders, you're talking about animals that are only distantly related. And cats and dogs belong to closely related orders and families, but different genus still make it quite impossible. For them to interbreed they'll have to be from the same Genus. Like Tigers and Lions are from the Panthera genus, thus they can interbreed.

2. To be more complex about it, we need to keep Reproductive isolation in mind. I'm not even going to try and explain this - because I'm by no means an expert in genes. Wikipedia is as always a good place to start.

The separation of the gene pools of populations, under some conditions, can lead to the genesis of distinct species. Reproductive isolation can occur either by preventing fertilization, or by the creation of a degenerate or sterile hybrid, such as the case with the common mule and the hinny.

3. So you want to get out of the lab and into "real life"? We see many species living together in the wild. Birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, etc, etc. Yet, we don't see new "mix breed" species popping up every day. It just doesn't happen. Take Blue Wildebeest and Impala for example. It's not unknown for these two species to graze together - well, basically "spend most of the day and night" together. And they're relatively close related. Both are from the family Bovidae, but the Blue Wildebeest is from the Genus Connochaetes and the Impala from Aepyceros. It's been reported that one or the other of these species have tried to mount the other, yet, there has never been a report of a Blue Impala or an Impabeest. The simple answer is, it doesn't happen, and where it can happen, we've seen it, like horses and donkeys, which are both from the same family and the same genus i.e. Equus.

4. Remember: Mutants come from within individual species, and many of the weird and wonderful strangeness you see at zoos are simply the result of adaptation to a specialized habitat.

5. As said above - the same claim was made by a woman last year, tests were done, and the result was HOAX.
Result 1
Result 2

As much as we would like to see some extra-ordinary events in nature (or even in our own homes), some things are just impossible, because there are no grey areas.

Edit: Clarity

[edit on 30-4-2007 by Gemwolf]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf

Originally posted by cosmokatt7

...I think many people have come to this board because they begin to realize that many of the things we have been taught and told
are not actually true...


There's a difference between the "grey areas" in science, where no one knows for sure and there's nothing but supporting theories, and absolute undeniable fact, proven, known, full stop, end of discussion.

Let's see there's the science part, which Byrd tried to explain, and I'll try to explain again..

Of course I knowscientific dogma says that different species cannot mate!
but,,, I don't know ... that, that is true...

Also... I don't know that Mars doesn't have a magnetic core...


posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by cosmokatt7
Of course I knowscientific dogma says that different species cannot mate!
but,,, I don't know ... that, that is true...

Let me guess. You believe the earth is flat because "scientific dogma" states that the earth is round? Just because you don't know something doesn't make it untrue or unprovable.

Originally posted by cosmokatt7
Also... I don't know that Mars doesn't have a magnetic core...


Exactly. Using science they can predict whether Mars has a magnetic core or not. It's a theory and it will remain theoretical until it is undeniable proof. Whereas some things have been proven and cannot be denied. What do you get when you mix red paint with blue paint? Purple. Right? How do you know this? Because one day someone mixed red paint with blue paint and saw that it made purple. He told other people about it, some didn't believe him, and checked it out for themselves. What did they get? They all got purple. Just because you don't know the actual science behind a fact doesn't make it any less of a fact. You're more than welcome to go study the science behind DNA, genes, biology, etc. and test out the "theories" yourself... If you get yourself informed, then you'll know why "scientific dogma" states that species cannot interbreed. (Yes there is a difference in mating and interbreed. Mating doesn't necessarily mean there will be offspring.)

And as an example – if you read my entire post – you would have seen that I moved “out of the lab” and into “real life” to show you that it just doesn’t happen.


posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:49 AM
No... I don't C...

Just because I don't believe the same as you dosen't mean

I believe the "earth is flat"...

You assume way too much (Is that scientific...?)

..And, yeh...I did read your entire post...."Blah,blah,Blah..."

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by cosmokatt7
No... I don't C...

Just because I don't believe the same as you dosen't mean

I believe the "earth is flat"...

You assume way too much (Is that scientific...?)

Sarcasm, meet Cosmokatt7. Cosmokatt7, this is sarcasm.

Originally posted by cosmokatt7
..And, yeh...I did read your entire post...."Blah,blah,Blah..."

Oh wow, that's a real intelligent and mature response. I just love the way your retort challenges me, and forces me to think about the topic at hand. (You've met sarcasm, right? Watch out for him. He'll be popping up all over the place.) I don't see how you want us to believe that cats and dogs can make love not war, but you've got nothing to support your argument?

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:17 AM
Hey! If U know U'r right, then just let it go...

HooDo U think U'r trying to convince

U or Me...?

[edit on 30-4-2007 by cosmokatt7]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by cosmokatt7
Hey! If U know U'r right, then just let it go...

HooDo U think U'r trying to convince

U or Me...?

[edit on 30-4-2007 by cosmokatt7]

Err... Isn't this the point of a discussion board? If I see a fellow member saying something which I know is incorrect, should I just sit here, thinking to myself how right I am and how wrong he is? Or should I take part in the discussion, and state the facts? What happened to denying ignorance?

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:34 AM

Err... Isn't this the point of a discussion board? If I see a fellow member saying something which I know is incorrect, should I just sit here, thinking to myself how right I am and how wrong he is? Or should I take part in the discussion, and state the facts? What happened to denying ignorance?


Well, as Dan Ackroyd said...

"We mock what we do not understand"

It an atavistic human response....

[edit on 30-4-2007 by cosmokatt7]

[edit on 30-4-2007 by cosmokatt7]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by cosmokatt7

Well, as Dan Ackroyd said...

"We mock what we do not understand"

It an atavistic human response....

[edit on 30-4-2007 by cosmokatt7]

The only thing I don't understand is your inability to come up with a half-descent argument and the way you completely lost focus of the topic at hand with your nonsensical posts.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 07:53 AM
Gemwolf I'm really not interested in an argument...

I just believe that the possibilities of the world are much greater than you believe...


posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Screw it, who cares if its a dog or a cat, a hoax or real. The puppyy( and cats) are awesome and cute.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:05 AM
I think the story is cute, but I also has seen many stories coming from china lately about all kind of weird things.

Specially the hairy rock.

Are they trying to attract attention? I wonder.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:16 AM

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:17 AM
, Maybe..... maybe not.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by sanctum]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:06 PM
Sorry i didnt say much last time, but i was in a rush and had an impatient life who kept yelling at me to get off the computer. Hmmm, well life isnt all skittles and rainbows anymore is it, we've got cats who give birth to dogs, jellybeans that taste like earwax, boogers, dirt, and vomit (yumm), and annoying moderaters that give you warnings for little things tat dotn matter but they dotn care they just wanna piss you off even more, yo uknow what i mean?? Th ejellybeans were enough, but moderaters, kill me now!!! Anywayzzz love the cats and love the dog even though it doesn tbelong, but everone knows that, right?? But then again how do we know whats normal, fo rall we know cereal and maynaise is a great source of brain food, mmmmmm, mayo.Heck they might not even be called that, it could be ipclish and bernighishterisfhdlaghir, scrumdidiliumptious.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 06:14 PM
Hi there,
hummmmmmmmmmmmm, well when i saw the pic of the cat and her litter and then saw the "pup" i was thinking that ok no-way that can happen... maybe the cat adopted the pup LOL

seriously, that kitten really does look like a puppy.... it does have some features that might make u think its a pup and other featuers makes u think its a kitten...
its just too bad that there isn't a whole pic of the pup/kitten by its self...
and i do agree with the guys here who said the DNA test should clear this up!!!

BTW: am crazy about cats!!!! >_

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