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Flight 93

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posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:56 PM

There is another thread around here with a similar/same title, but I want to get specific on something relating to Flight 93, but that also fits into the wider 9/11 picture.

Flight 93 was reported to have landed at Cleveland at approximately 10:45 AM. This was confirmed (at the time) by UA who said that Flight 93 had landed safely. (Source: )

1) The reports state that Flight 93 as type 767 from Boston to LA landed at Cleveland. A typo? It was later reported that Flight 93, as type 757 was hijacked and crashed.

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2) Flight 93 requested a flight plan change to DCA (Reagan National Airport, Washington DC). This is also highlighted in the film "Flight 93" (look at the data tag VERY carefully after it was hijacked and after it starts to turn around).
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3) 4 aircraft were hijacked. Two 767s (AA and UA), and two 757s (AA and UA). Both 767s reportedly crashed into the WTC. The 757s crashed into the Pentagon and allegedly at Shanksville, respectively.

Was the report from UA released prior to some form of order telling them to say it was hijacked and crashed, and didn't land at Cleveland?

What other news stories broadcast at or around 11:00AM, started to disappear, have anomalies or change at or around this time?

THIS IS A RESEARCH THREAD. THIS POST IS INCOMPLETE. I ask that no-one attempts to derail the thread with other theories etc.. SOLID EVIDENCE ONLY PLEASE. Thanks.


* Find and watch news reports from BBC, ABC, CNN, NBC in the time frame 10AM - 11AM, covering from the initial Pentagon reports through to the reports of Flight 93 crash and live reporting from the scene.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit

* Find and watch news reports from BBC, ABC, CNN, NBC in the time frame 10AM - 11AM, covering from the initial Pentagon reports through to the reports of Flight 93 crash and live reporting from the scene.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

Or you can just ask some idiot who sat infront of the TV and watched the local news.. How they talked about a 911 call and how there was stuff found miles away.. or stuff like that...


I am being seriously sarcastic there.. nothing against you..

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 08:18 PM
Not quite sure what you're getting at (sarcasm is the most easily lost in text for some reason), but the point is to get PROOF of things that happened. There has been plenty of theorizing on the subject - now to start sorting the wheat from the chaff.

[edit on 28-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 06:55 PM

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2) Flight 93 requested a flight plan change to DCA (Reagan National Airport, Washington DC). This is also highlighted in the film "Flight 93" (look at the data tag VERY carefully after it was hijacked and after it starts to turn around).
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This does **NOT** exist in the film.


09:20 (2:20pm) ... Someone on UA Flight 93 tells controllers the pilot wants to change the flight plan requesting clearance to Washington.



At 9:34 AM, a hijacker says over the radio to the passenger, "Ladies and gentlemen, here it's the captain, please sit down. Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb aboard." Cleveland flight controllers can understand about a minute of screams, and then a voice saying something about a "bomb on board." That same time, Tom Burnett calls his wife a second time. He tells her, "They're in the cockpit." She tells him about the hits on the WTC, and he responds with, "Oh my God, it's a suicide mission."

At 9:36 AM, Flight 93 files a new flight plan with the final destination of Washington, and therefore reverses course and begins its new route. The plan has the plane to arrive in Washington at 10:28 AM.


This source makes no reference to a flight plan change request. It is apparently an unedited transcript of ATC conversations between UAL93 and other aircraft around him.

What is very odd is that any sources remotely close to the originals make no mention of a flight plan change, only other CT sites that quote each other.

Based on the lack of any solid evidence of this particular conversation between Cleveland and UAL93 after it was hijacked, I can only conclude that this conversation did not take place, in addition to the fact that the hijackers would have no reason to request a flight plan change at all.

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