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Secret Socities and Music

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posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 03:31 PM
I thought this was the best place to post this. We all know that secret societies have a strong hold in politics I was wondering if there were any links between secret societies and hip-hop. It would make sense because the youth listen to the crap that is out there and 90% or the rap is not positive at all. I know that there are a lot of black prince hall masons and eastern stars. It got me thinking as to how much of the industry they really control. I came across this link. Is there anyone with any info about secret societies in music?

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:11 PM
It is not just the black industrys or what is refered to as rap or hip is all the industrys ...especially those industrys which have a high turnover volume in dollars.
Like it or not the main issue with the black culture is that this is, for political reasons, an easily controlable, malliable, predictable, gauranteed voting block. This means that any method usable must be applied to gaurantee this voting block goes to a particular political party. Music, Videos and the Usual Suspects are the methods used to keep this group on the treadmill. Reacting to a stimlus not necessarily thinking for themselves. This is not the only group catered to in this manner. It is just one of the more noticable. I suspect that some in this group are begining to realize this line of thought. Not enough of them but I think they are slowly catching on. THey are thinking and questioning outside of the box so to speak. To those in this group who can do this ..I salute them.
For you to catch on to this fingerprint Da Truth I salute you. Keep at it you have a ways to go in this learning. It can be difficult and frustrating.

THe fingerprint of this kind of seduction or hijacking is a high emotional appeal combined with sexualty/drugs and high physical awareness levels.
Also a subculture identified with this group of which all these symptoms are core.

This fingerprint is also used in the rock and roll generation..just applied in what on the surface looks different is not. It is still control.

Remember this ..people who have not learned to control their emotions and hence their actions are easy prey to this type of hijacking.

Look at the sudden surge in country/western music some time in the late 80s or early 90s. THe dollar volume suddenly went through the roof.
What year/years did NASCAR take off big time in the public conscience and turn into such a big money making endevour??

When you have so many musicians doing theme songs and tracks for movies..and then stumping for and supporting politicians you cannot help but ask what is the link or dotted trail. Connect the dots so to speak. This cannot be accidental..but deliberate.

WHen you become aware of this fingerprint is becomes like a violation..a personal a rape. You are not sufficiently intelligent to think for yourself. You dont care for politicians but somehow a music star or hollywood star is more politically savy or acceptable to make up your mind for you with a movie or song and influence you to step into a voting booth and vote according to a video or track you have heard.
IN this manner your thinking patterns are hijacked by forces not of your own volition or thinking ability...not of your choosing. Make no mistake ..this is a hijacking. It was intended this way. No thinking required on your part. Just give in to your emotions. Just follow the music/video program.

Some years ago I was visiting the woman I was seeing at the time. We sat in her living room to watch the Country Music Awards. I am not a big fan of much of what passes for television and especially these types of backslapping award programs but I resolved to sit through this with her.

THe very first stage as the two Hosts entered the stage and the curtain was raised. The backdrop was a compass and square with a sunburst rising in between the compass and square. Mind you now the ordinary observer would not catch this but those trained in symbolism would see it immediately. When I saw this for myself..I sat upright ...and was wide awake.

This pattern is done quite often on television and movies. Right down at the base levels as per the skulled goats head on the table in the credits on the movie Pale Rider to other forms..but usually in the intro some where. It is a fingerprint a language concealed in symbolism and archictecture. If you read certain books not available in public schools you will find this information. It is all around you if you are awake. This system depends on you being asleep/drugged/ignorant in order to keep you on the treadmill.

Break the drug habit ..teach yourself to think outside the box of what passes for normal today. Its not normal..its drugged.

Do you want the blue pill or the red pill??

If you take the red pill you may not like what you learn or see.

Choose wisely. Is ignorance bliss??

What is the title or theme on ATS/BTS...Deny Ignorance!!


[edit on 28-4-2007 by orangetom1999]

[edit on 28-4-2007 by orangetom1999]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:34 AM
Thanks for the replying. You point out a lot of things that I need to meditate on.
The one that really touched home was emotions. They are the driving force behind who we are. It's scary really how easily we become influenced .

I live in Washington D.C so I pay careful attention to the symbolisms that I see around me. There is one thing i also noticed. In cities around D.C I would see wooden owls around places of business. I never really knew what it meant but I knew it had something to do with communication.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by DaTruth
Thanks for the replying. You point out a lot of things that I need to meditate on.
The one that really touched home was emotions. They are the driving force behind who we are. It's scary really how easily we become influenced .

I live in Washington D.C so I pay careful attention to the symbolisms that I see around me. There is one thing i also noticed. In cities around D.C I would see wooden owls around places of business. I never really knew what it meant but I knew it had something to do with communication.


Wow!!! Hallelujah!!!

Someone gets it..someone has a hint of things bigger than themselves at work.

Your response gives me hope.

You are quite correct when you say or are aware of the dangers of emotional rape. That is the term I use in describing the manner in which so many outlets, peer group, education too...use this emotional grab or rape technique to get us to believe in what they are selling or another word would be ...seducing us into.

It is no different in the food comercials on television. The look so good ..only to be disappointed in most when you try out the product.

What you realize as I posted earlier is that someone is trying to put us on a treadmill with emotional masterbation/rape/seduction techniques to get us to step on the treadmill and to stay on it. After awhile you see it alot. You can see it like fingerprints at a crime scene.

What becomes alarming is when you finally realize that politics and politicians are using this to get votes.

Though no one I personally know makes this claim ...this type of emotional usage by politicians became popular after a fellow named Phil Donahue began using it to captivate audiences to thier program. They attracted quite a devoted following only to spur competiting programs like Sally Jessie Raphal and todays genre...Montel, Maury, Jerry and whatever drivel comes next. And I gaurantee you there will be more drivel coming.

The body politic was quick to realize that this emotional technique could be used or misused to galvanize a controllable, predictable , malliable voting block at election time if properly done.

Remember Da Truth..who pays for public education. The body politic.

If you run around this world being overly will be easily put on the puppet strings by groups like this..including public education.

People like me who work in dangerous occupations know immediately that in order to bring our moneys home we do not operate on the job by emotional effort but diciplined thinking and performance. If we dont to this we will hurt or kill ourselves or others.
So when we spot someone else trying to do this to us is a insult.
THese people are just another cheap con man.

I never watch Jerry, Montel, Maury or any other of this kind of drivel.
And no ...I dont need to take a lie detector test or DNA test to prove it.

What happens Da that you just get tired of a system trying alway to make merchandize of you and your family in one manner or another. You become are awake.

There is very little of real value on the boob tube for me. Not much in movies either ...though occasionally there is a good one which manages to come through by some fluke or accident.

I dont mean to be so depressing to you or others but it is just something I have learned to see the fingerprint.

Learn yourself at your own pace and also for your own reasons and and your family to spot the dirty fingerprints which would try to put you on the puppet strings.

Deny Ignorance. Ignorance is not really bliss.

Oh and yes...Living in Washington DC you are surrounded by buildings , ponds, lakes ..all man made which are full of symbolism Quite right here.
You can find them in any city or town but in capital citys like Richmond , Virginia here...or Washington DC where you are ...the government buildings are full of them

I will give you a free one here. On Government buildings with large columns in the front...when you look up at the tops of the often see a type of leaf or leaves where the column meets the roof for support.

The leaves extended or folded out are Greek in origin. With the leaves unfolded they are historically Egyptian in origin.

You will find this same leaf pattern on the back of the olde $20 Bills if you can even find them anymore. Most have disappeared from circulation. On the back side of the bills opposite the face see the three leaves in the open position. THese are representative of the letter S in the open position of the leaf. The letter S as are other letters in ancient languages is also a number. Many languages have letters being also numbers in Ancient tounges. S is the number for 6. What you see on the back of the olde $20 bills is 666. These leaves however are on the backs of all the olde bills ..not just the $20 bill. THey have done away with this on the new bills today.
What you have on the tops of these columns is a series of 6's and this forms a language to those trained in it.

There are other languages in the architecture of buildings too. You have what is called egg and tounge...going around the tops of buildings or the molding in rooms...interior.

THese patterns are also used in certain buisnesses or companys on the logos and are a language to those trained in them. They often border the company name...or surround the company name on the edges.

Not all of them are Greek or Latin..but extend from other ancient languages..Chaldean for example.

Just some more info for your benifit or usage.

Keep at it can be a long lonely road to denying ignorance. Many and at times even most peoples will think you are crazy ...dont worry. They are welcome to stay that way. Just pass them by.

Keep it up...dont comes in small bits and pieces. Books and literature on this are very difficult to come by but it is out there. It is up to you to educate yourself on this. Dont count on public schools..even colleges to do this for you. They dont dare if they want to stay in the moneys.


posted on May, 6 2007 @ 05:00 AM
The owl symbolism seeems to resonate with the magick ceremonies held at Bohemian Grove. It is Illuminati symbolism. Follow the link. I would not be surprised at musicians following Masonic and Illuminati cults - think of Led Zeppelin and Rush and the symbolism they used frequently in their music.


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