posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 06:22 PM
I tried to find an article that just stated the main point--which is that Kucinich is out to get Cheney--but for some reason a lot of news agencies
feel the deep need to insert their own opinion into it. The Washington Post (to which I linked) seemed to think it was fun to mock the Representative
through its article. I'm not a fan of Kucinich, but I don't much care for my news to try to push its own opinion on me.
That said, I'm not holding back my opinion, and I have to applaud Kucinich for having the tenacity to do what no one else wanted to do. Personally, I
think it's ridiculous that Clinton got impeached for lying about fellatio, but nothing happens to anyone in the Bush administration for practically
lying about intelligence that lead to war. Most of the Democrats have hitherto been spineless since their takeover of both houses of Congress. Maybe
this will encourage them to grow one.
Now, given that, I'm a little unusual in that I'm not certain that leaving Iraq right now, or with an open deadline (like the Democrats are proposing)
is a good idea--in the ethical sense. We broke Iraq; now it's our responsibility to fix it. This isn't to say that the Iraqi government should play
no role in bringing about peace, but they're not the ones who started the chaos. Yeah, it sucks that our soldiers are dying over there, but the
Iraqis are suffering much worse. As of July 2006, there is an estimate of 655,000 people that have died from the
[1]. I can't even imagine what those numbers would be
(visit the link for the full news article)