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EPA Wont Specify Supreme Court Ordered Global Warming Plans

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posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:23 PM

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency repeatedly refused to say Tuesday how soon he will comply with a Supreme Court ruling and decide whether to regulate carbon dioxide, the leading gas linked to global warming.

EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, appearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, was asked repeatedly to provide a timetable for responding to the April 2 Supreme Court decisions. The court said the Clean Air Act makes clear the agency must regulate carbon dioxide if it's found that it endangers public health.

The legal argument has been settled and “now there's is an unmistakable green light to take action now,'' Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., the committee's chairman, told Johnson: “There is no excuse for delay.''


I can not believe the tenacity of some people, I mean not only has the
Supreme court ordered him to provide this plan, but he blatantly lied
by saying they would have one in three to four months, than later said
he refused to bind by a time line.

Personally I think this individual should be fired, and have all the money
he would get eliminated.

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