posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:50 AM
Ive taken a fair few photos in my lifetime on different cameras (phone/digital and the conventional film camera)
and yeah I see the dust ones but theres the odd photo that has something thats not in the others pics...
Eg This pic I have posted is of my partner..and yep thats an orb (which appears to be moving) on the right hand side.
What was bizarre about this is the fact earlier that night my best friend had just come back from this place that her boyfriend and his family hang
out at xmas time every year.
She was telling me that they had this joke that one of their dead aunts would hitch a ride back to Melbourne with them (as in her boyfriend and his
family) every year.....
We laughed and stuff until I uploaded my pics onto my computer....
The guy next to my partner is her (now ex) boyfriend.
Now yeah I could easily say dust pollen and the other thing but looking at my pics..this orb seemed to follow him..and it was only one....
Its a pity orbs arent really proof of life after death....and too many people have played the 'orb'card...but one day i hope to catch the big
on camera