posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 11:39 PM
For people to drop their sings: Martial law and total oppression. All we need now is for the government to deploy its "master plan" of domination
and voila, you have a reason to fight. Just one problem: their systems will be in place to REPEL your attacks, so in a sense it is too late unless you
move VERY, VERY fast.
One thing I have wondered about is this: What would it take to hijack and FOX news satellite and broadcast on the 10:00PM news in my state or
nation-wide a quick overview of the USA's problems. In short: fascism, nazism, crime, oppression, etc. All wrapped up in a nice 5 minute bundle or 10
minute bundle if you can keep them from shutting things down. Then just sit back and watch them SQUIRM for the next few months while they do witch
hunts and burn people at the stake.
In short: there is not enough present to get a good following of supporters for any major movement against the government. People still think
that holding signs will change things, once the government makes it next move though and drops the hammer that will be your time to make a move. Just
one warning: make it fast or they will run you over with tanks and boots.