posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 08:47 PM
The thing to note also is that the Pope is mentioning "a new world order" or "a new international order" in the same breath as he is mentioning
the defunct United Nations........
Is the Pope implying that even the UN needs to be replaced or even axed by indicating 'a' "
new international order"? Wishful
thinking on my part because the Pope adds:
"...More than ever we need a new international order which draws on the experience and results of the United Nations..."
The Pope needs some viagra or something, because under the United Nations current construct, it is useless and not an organization that will meet the
Pope's demands and wishes......
There currently is
no international body or organization that can meet or achieve this said goal.
Besides this, who can argue that war doesn't need to cease, but again, if one looks at history herself, one will see that 'war' is an 'evil' that
has been with man for thousands of years.....and for thousands of years, men have spoken out against it; wished it to stop, and wished it to cease.
[Edited on 1-1-2004 by Seekerof]